How to register lack in electronic point system?


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I’m having a question that’s geared toward programming logic. I created a point system that stores the time the user hits the point.

Now I also need to store the reason for the absences: Holiday, Folta, Attestation. However, I do not know what would be the trigger (event) that should record fouls...

I don’t have a computer that was on the system all the time to use an hour trigger, not to mention that it would take a long-Polling to do the time check with php.

I wonder if there is a simple way to register in the database when an employee has not scored point.

2 answers


Today there are specific standards for electronic point development.

  1. Since 08/25/2009 all companies that adopt the electronic point registration must use the Point Registration Treatment Program (PTRP) as well as the registration (CAREP), provided for in Ordinance no 1,510/2009. Although the use of the Electronic Point Registrar (REP) is only mandatory from 01/09/2011, companies that already the use must register it immediately in the CAREP (Questions and Replies Nos 3, 52, 114 and 118).

  2. Any point control system that uses electronic means to identify the employee, treat, store or send any type of point marking information shall meet the requirements of Ordinance nº 1.510/2009 (Questions and Answers nº 58).

Source Ministry of Labor: Electronic Point Registration System - SREP

What are the main points of Ordinance MTE 1.510/2009?

  • Prohibits all restrictions on marking, automatic marking and alteration of recorded data;

  • Establishes requirements for point recording equipment, identified by the acronym REP (Electronic Registrar ofPonto);

  • Requires the issue of proof of marking to each record made in the REP
  • Establishes the requirements for the programs that will process the data from the REP;
  • Establishes the formats of reports and digital files of point records that the employer should maintain and submit to the work supervision

What are the main requirements of REP?

  • Have as its sole purpose the marking of points;
  • Have memory of point markings which cannot be changed or deleted;
  • Issue proof for each marking made by the worker;
  • No mechanism permitting automatic marking or restriction of markings

Beware, if there is some supervision in the company that uses your software and the same is not within the norms, is problem in certain (FINE).

If after reading the entire standard for electronic point software and you still want to develop this solution, it is important to understand the CLT-Consolidation of Labor Laws and consult a good human resources professional.

Developing a stitch registration software is complicated, in the past for you to have an idea regarding your doubt, just you set a delay time limit, for example, atrasou de 5min a 10min perde 1 hora, further loses meio expediente.

  • I appreciate the information...?

  • Read last paragraph, this is how I defined missing in an old stitch program that I developed. The boundaries were always set with the head of the personal sector.

  • But the question is, the system you developed had the ability to trigger an automatic event according to the time that the person in charge passed to you, right? I do not think it possible to fire an automatic event on a web system (which is my case), and that’s where my problem lies, I do not know how to fire the missing event, I hope you have managed to explain me now rs


If there was no point record on the day and had no record of anything else that abolishes its lack (vacation, holiday, weekend, off, future period, etc.), consider via application that it is a fault.

The logic would be to record what might account for that employee’s absence that day. And if you don’t have check-in/check-out times or the valet can’t be anything other than a foul.

  • I guess I couldn’t explain I’d like to know at what point to do this check, you know? The correct would be at the end of the day, but I realized that there are days that no one will access the system ex: Sundays, holidays, etc so I do not know when to check if there was record... Being very specific, where I put the "trigger" that will make the check?

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