HTML Jquery Slideshow


Viewed 125 times


Good morning friends, well the problem is the following, I downloaded a package for slideshow which I include in my site however it is all disfigured, does not appear border and does not appear the images of buttons, I am trying to fix this error there are at least 6 hours, the scripts are as follows

Page index:

  <title>Code Programming</title>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <!-- SlidesJS Required (if responsive): Sets the page width to the device width. -->
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <!-- End SlidesJS Required -->

  <!-- CSS -->
  <style type="text/css">
  @import "css/layout.css";
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/coin-slider.min.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/coin-slider-styles.css" type="text/css"/>
$(document).ready(function() {
<div id="container">

      include "includes/menucabecalho.html";

      <div id='coin-slider'>
  <a href="img01_url" target="_blank">
<img src='img01.jpg' >
  Description for img01
  <a href="imgN_url">
<img src='imgN.jpg' >
  Description for imgN

      include "includes/footer.html";



Coin-slider.js file

 * Coin Slider - Unique jQuery Image Slider
 * @version: 1.0 - (2010/04/04)
 * @requires jQuery v1.2.2 or later 
 * @author Ivan Lazarevic
 * Examples and documentation at:
 * Licensed under MIT licence:

(function($) {

	var params 		= new Array;
	var order		= new Array;
	var images		= new Array;
	var links		= new Array;
	var linksTarget = new Array;
	var titles		= new Array;
	var interval	= new Array;
	var imagePos	= new Array;
	var appInterval = new Array;	
	var squarePos	= new Array;	
	var reverse		= new Array;
	$.fn.coinslider= $.fn.CoinSlider = function(options){
		init = function(el){
			order[] 		= new Array();	// order of square appereance
			images[]		= new Array();
			links[]		= new Array();
			linksTarget[]	= new Array();
			titles[]		= new Array();
			imagePos[]		= 0;
			squarePos[]	= 0;
			reverse[]		= 1;						
			params[] = $.extend({}, $.fn.coinslider.defaults, options);
			// create images, links and titles arrays
			$.each($('#'' img'), function(i,item){
				images[][i] 		= $(item).attr('src');
				links[][i] 		= $(item).parent().is('a') ? $(item).parent().attr('href') : '';
				linksTarget[][i] 	= $(item).parent().is('a') ? $(item).parent().attr('target') : '';
				titles[][i] 		= $(item).next().is('span') ? $(item).next().html() : '';

			// set panel
				'width': params[].width,
				'height': params[].height,
				'position': 'relative',
				'background-position': 'top left'
			}).wrap("<div class='coin-slider' id='coin-slider-""' />");	
			// create title bar
			$('#'"<div class='cs-title' id='cs-title-""' style='position: absolute; bottom:0; left: 0; z-index: 1000;'></div>");
		// squares positions
		$.setFields = function(el){
			tWidth = sWidth = parseInt(params[].width/params[].spw);
			tHeight = sHeight = parseInt(params[].height/params[].sph);
			counter = sLeft = sTop = 0;
			tgapx = gapx = params[].width - params[].spw*sWidth;
			tgapy = gapy = params[].height - params[].sph*sHeight;
			for(i=1;i <= params[].sph;i++){
				gapx = tgapx;
					if(gapy > 0){
						sHeight = tHeight+1;
					} else {
						sHeight = tHeight;
				for(j=1; j <= params[].spw; j++){	

					if(gapx > 0){
						sWidth = tWidth+1;
					} else {
						sWidth = tWidth;

					order[][counter] = i+''+j;
						$('#'"<a href='"+links[][0]+"' class='cs-""' id='cs-""' style='width:"+sWidth+"px; height:"+sHeight+"px; float: left; position: absolute;'></a>");
						$('#'"<div class='cs-""' id='cs-""' style='width:"+sWidth+"px; height:"+sHeight+"px; float: left; position: absolute;'></div>");
					// positioning squares
						'background-position': -sLeft +'px '+(-sTop+'px'),
						'left' : sLeft ,
						'top': sTop
					sLeft += sWidth;

				sTop += sHeight;
				sLeft = 0;					
					params[].pause = true;
					params[].pause = false;
					params[].pause = true;
					params[].pause = false;
		$.transitionCall = function(el){
			delay = params[].delay + params[].spw*params[].sph*params[].sDelay;
			interval[] = setInterval(function() { $.transition(el)  }, delay);
		// transitions
		$.transition = function(el,direction){
			if(params[].pause == true) return;
			squarePos[] = 0;
			appInterval[] = setInterval(function() { $.appereance(el,order[][squarePos[]])  },params[].sDelay);
			$(el).css({ 'background-image': 'url('+images[][imagePos[]]+')' });
			if(typeof(direction) == "undefined")
				if(direction == 'prev')
					imagePos[] = direction;
			if  (imagePos[] == images[].length) {
				imagePos[] = 0;
			if (imagePos[] == -1){
				imagePos[] = images[].length-1;
				$('#cs-title-'{ 'opacity' : 0 }).animate({ 'opacity' : params[].opacity }, params[].titleSpeed);
			} else {
		$.appereance = function(el,sid){


			if (squarePos[] == params[].spw*params[].sph) {

			$('#cs-'{ opacity: 0, 'background-image': 'url('+images[][imagePos[]]+')' });
			$('#cs-'{ opacity: 1 }, 300);
		// navigation
		$.setNavigation = function(el){
			// create prev and next 
			$(el).append("<div id='cs-navigation-""'></div>");
			$('#cs-navigation-'"<a href='#' id='cs-prev-""' class='cs-prev'>prev</a>");
			$('#cs-navigation-'"<a href='#' id='cs-next-""' class='cs-next'>next</a>");
				'position' 	: 'absolute',
				'top'		: params[].height/2 - 15,
				'left'		: 0,
				'z-index' 	: 1001,
				'line-height': '30px',
				'opacity'	: params[].opacity
			}).click( function(e){
			}).mouseover( function(){ $('#cs-navigation-' });
				'position' 	: 'absolute',
				'top'		: params[].height/2 - 15,
				'right'		: 0,
				'z-index' 	: 1001,
				'line-height': '30px',
				'opacity'	: params[].opacity
			}).click( function(e){
			}).mouseover( function(){ $('#cs-navigation-' });
			// image buttons
			$("<div id='cs-buttons-""' class='cs-buttons'></div>").appendTo($('#coin-slider-';

				$('#cs-buttons-'"<a href='#' class='cs-button-""' id='cs-button-""-"+k+"'>"+k+"</a>");
			$.each($('.cs-button-', function(i,item){
				$(item).click( function(e){
			$('#cs-navigation-'' a').mouseout(function(){
				params[].pause = false;

				'left'			: '50%',
				'margin-left' 	: -images[].length*15/2-5,
				'position'		: 'relative'

		// effects
		$.effect = function(el){
			effA = ['random','swirl','rain','straight'];
			if(params[].effect == '')
				eff = effA[Math.floor(Math.random()*(effA.length))];
				eff = params[].effect;

			order[] = new Array();

			if(eff == 'random'){
				counter = 0;
				  for(i=1;i <= params[].sph;i++){
				  	for(j=1; j <= params[].spw; j++){	
				  		order[][counter] = i+''+j;
			if(eff == 'rain')	{
			if(eff == 'swirl')
			if(eff == 'straight')
			reverse[] *= -1;
			if(reverse[] > 0){


		// shuffle array function
		$.random = function(arr) {
		  var i = arr.length;
		  if ( i == 0 ) return false;
		  while ( --i ) {
		     var j = Math.floor( Math.random() * ( i + 1 ) );
		     var tempi = arr[i];
		     var tempj = arr[j];
		     arr[i] = tempj;
		     arr[j] = tempi;
		//swirl effect by milos popovic
		$.swirl = function(el){

			var n = params[].sph;
			var m = params[].spw;

			var x = 1;
			var y = 1;
			var going = 0;
			var num = 0;
			var c = 0;
			var dowhile = true;
			while(dowhile) {
				num = (going==0 || going==2) ? m : n;
				for (i=1;i<=num;i++){
					order[][c] = x+''+y;

							case 0 : y++; break;
							case 1 : x++; break;
							case 2 : y--; break;
							case 3 : x--; break;
				going = (going+1)%4;

					case 0 : m--; y++; break;
					case 1 : n--; x++; break;
					case 2 : m--; y--; break;
					case 3 : n--; x--; break;		
				check = $.max(n,m) - $.min(n,m);			
				if(m<=check && n<=check)
					dowhile = false;

		// rain effect
		$.rain = function(el){
			var n = params[].sph;
			var m = params[].spw;

			var c = 0;
			var to = to2 = from = 1;
			var dowhile = true;

					order[][c] = i+''+parseInt(to2-i+1);
				if(to < n && to2 < m && n<m){
				if(to < n && n>=m){
				if(to2 > m){
				if(from > to) dowhile= false;


		// straight effect
		$.straight = function(el){
			counter = 0;
			for(i=1;i <= params[].sph;i++){
				for(j=1; j <= params[].spw; j++){	
					order[][counter] = i+''+j;

		$.min = function(n,m){
			if (n>m) return m;
			else return n;
		$.max = function(n,m){
			if (n<m) return m;
			else return n;
	this.each (
		function(){ init(this); }

	// default values
	$.fn.coinslider.defaults = {	
		width: 565, // width of slider panel
		height: 290, // height of slider panel
		spw: 7, // squares per width
		sph: 5, // squares per height
		delay: 3000, // delay between images in ms
		sDelay: 30, // delay beetwen squares in ms
		opacity: 0.7, // opacity of title and navigation
		titleSpeed: 500, // speed of title appereance in ms
		effect: '', // random, swirl, rain, straight
		navigation: true, // prev next and buttons
		links : true, // show images as links 
		hoverPause: true // pause on hover		

Coin-slider.min file:

 * Coin Slider - Unique jQuery Image Slider
 * @version: 1.0 - (2010/04/04)
 * @requires jQuery v1.2.2 or later
 * @author Ivan Lazarevic
 * Examples and documentation at:

 * Licensed under MIT licence:

(function($){var params=new Array;var order=new Array;var images=new Array;var links=new Array;var linksTarget=new Array;var titles=new Array;var interval=new Array;var imagePos=new Array;var appInterval=new Array;var squarePos=new Array;var reverse=new Array;$.fn.coinslider=$.fn.CoinSlider=function(options){init=function(el){order[]=new Array();images[]=new Array();links[]=new Array();linksTarget[]=new Array();titles[]=new Array();imagePos[]=0;squarePos[]=0;reverse[]=1;params[]=$.extend({},$.fn.coinslider.defaults,options);$.each($('#'' img'),function(i,item){images[][i]=$(item).attr('src');links[][i]=$(item).parent().is('a')?$(item).parent().attr('href'):'';linksTarget[][i]=$(item).parent().is('a')?$(item).parent().attr('target'):'';titles[][i]=$(item).next().is('span')?$(item).next().html():'';$(item).hide();$(item).next().hide();});$(el).css({'background-image':'url('+images[][0]+')','width':params[].width,'height':params[].height,'position':'relative','background-position':'top left'}).wrap("<div class='coin-slider' id='coin-slider-""' />");$('#'"<div class='cs-title' id='cs-title-""' style='position: absolute; bottom:0; left: 0; z-index: 1000;'></div>");$.setFields(el);if(params[].navigation)
$('#'"<a href='"+links[][0]+"' class='cs-""' id='cs-""' style='width:"+sWidth+"px; height:"+sHeight+"px; float: left; position: absolute;'></a>");else
$('#'"<div class='cs-""' id='cs-""' style='width:"+sWidth+"px; height:"+sHeight+"px; float: left; position: absolute;'></div>");$("#cs-"{'background-position':-sLeft+'px '+(-sTop+'px'),'left':sLeft,'top':sTop});sLeft+=sWidth;}
$('#cs-'{opacity:0,'background-image':'url('+images[][imagePos[]]+')'});$('#cs-'{opacity:1},300);squarePos[]++;};$.setNavigation=function(el){$(el).append("<div id='cs-navigation-""'></div>");$('#cs-navigation-';$('#cs-navigation-'"<a href='#' id='cs-prev-""' class='cs-prev'>prev</a>");$('#cs-navigation-'"<a href='#' id='cs-next-""' class='cs-next'>next</a>");$('#cs-prev-'{'position':'absolute','top':params[].height/2-15,'left':0,'z-index':1001,'line-height':'30px','opacity':params[].opacity}).click(function(e){e.preventDefault();$.transition(el,'prev');$.transitionCall(el);}).mouseover(function(){$('#cs-navigation-'});$('#cs-next-'{'position':'absolute','top':params[].height/2-15,'right':0,'z-index':1001,'line-height':'30px','opacity':params[].opacity}).click(function(e){e.preventDefault();$.transition(el);$.transitionCall(el);}).mouseover(function(){$('#cs-navigation-'});$("<div id='cs-buttons-""' class='cs-buttons'></div>").appendTo($('#coin-slider-';for(k=1;k<images[].length+1;k++){$('#cs-buttons-'"<a href='#' class='cs-button-""' id='cs-button-""-"+k+"'>"+k+"</a>");}
$.each($('.cs-button-',function(i,item){$(item).click(function(e){$('.cs-button-''cs-active');$(this).addClass('cs-active');e.preventDefault();$.transition(el,i);$.transitionCall(el);})});$('#cs-navigation-'' a').mouseout(function(){$('#cs-navigation-';params[].pause=false;});$("#cs-buttons-"{'left':'50%','margin-left':-images[].length*15/2-5,'position':'relative'});}
eff=params[].effect;order[]=new Array();if(eff=='random'){counter=0;for(i=1;i<=params[].sph;i++){for(j=1;j<=params[].spw;j++){order[][counter]=i+''+j;counter++;}}
$.random=function(arr){var i=arr.length;if(i==0)return false;while(--i){var j=Math.floor(Math.random()*(i+1));var tempi=arr[i];var tempj=arr[j];arr[i]=tempj;arr[j]=tempi;}}
$.swirl=function(el){var n=params[].sph;var m=params[].spw;var x=1;var y=1;var going=0;var num=0;var c=0;var dowhile=true;while(dowhile){num=(going==0||going==2)?m:n;for(i=1;i<=num;i++){order[][c]=x+''+y;c++;if(i!=num){switch(going){case 0:y++;break;case 1:x++;break;case 2:y--;break;case 3:x--;break;}}}
going=(going+1)%4;switch(going){case 0:m--;y++;break;case 1:n--;x++;break;case 2:m--;y--;break;case 3:n--;x--;break;}
$.rain=function(el){var n=params[].sph;var m=params[].spw;var c=0;var to=to2=from=1;var dowhile=true;while(dowhile){for(i=from;i<=to;i++){order[][c]=i+''+parseInt(to2-i+1);c++;}
$.min=function(n,m){if(n>m)return m;else return n;}
$.max=function(n,m){if(n<m)return m;else return n;}


Coin-slider-style file:

.coin-slider { overflow: hidden; zoom: 1; position: relative; }
.coin-slider a{ text-decoration: none; outline: none; border: none; }

.cs-buttons { font-size: 0px; padding: 10px; float: left; }
.cs-buttons a { margin-left: 5px; height: 10px; width: 10px; float: left; border: 1px solid #B8C4CF; color: #B8C4CF; text-indent: -1000px; }
.cs-active { background-color: #B8C4CF; color: #FFFFFF; }

.cs-title { width: 545px; padding: 10px; background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; }

.cs-next { background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 0px 10px; }

Screenshot inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


<!-- saved from url=(0033) -->
<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <title>Code Programming</title>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <!-- SlidesJS Required (if responsive): Sets the page width to the device width. -->
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <!-- End SlidesJS Required -->

  <!-- CSS -->
  <style type="text/css">
  @import "css/layout.css";
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./Code Programming2_files/coin-slider-styles.css" type="text/css">

  <script type="text/javascript" src="./Code Programming2_files/coin-slider.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
  <script src="./Code Programming2_files/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="container">


			<h1>Code Programming</h1>
				<li><a href="">Principal</a></li>
				<li><a href="">Faculdade</a></li>
				<li><a href="">Links</a></li>
				<li><a href="">Outros</a></li>

      <div id="coin-slider">
  <a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="./Code Programming2_files/img01.jpg">
  Description for img01
  <a href="">
<img src="./Code Programming2_files/imgN.jpg">
  Description for imgN







  • Can you put the rendered HTML? or as it appears in the browser

  • how does it buddy?

  • Open the page in the browser and save. Then open with an editor and put it here.

  • I don’t know how to do it?

  • Rafael, if you don’t know how to write an HTML page and copy its HTML, I think this problem is too complex for the knowledge you currently have. I think you should start with something simpler.

  • html is the first Sergio script... I think its explanation that is succinct.

  • Rafael, in the first piece of code you have mixed PHP code. This PHP is script that runs on the server and will generate even more HTML. I mean, this line include "includes/menucabecalho.html"; will generate a series of HTML. To understand what your problem may be I want to see the full HTML. There may be a <div> that is poorly closed in the header or footer and that is shuffling the CSS/JS. When the server sends this page to the browser there then the page is complete. It is this HTML that I want to see, what is in the Browser.

  • I think I understand what you’re asking for, take a look at the last block inserted.

  • Missing one > at the end of <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/coin-slider-styles.css" type="text/css" /. If even missing, it might just be that (didn’t load the slider styles).

  • I added the /> and it didn’t work

  • @Good Rafael2f! that’s what I wanted. Take a look at the console, and tell me if there are any mistakes. Also correct what the bfavaretto mentioned and notice that you have blank spaces in the paths here /Code Programming_files/. I don’t know if this is gonna blow up.

  • @Rafael2f you’re putting them both together coin-slider.min.js and the coin-slider.js??

  • @Sergio the original code of the path you are referring to is this <script type="text/javascript" src="js/Coin-slider.min.js"></script> that is, it has no space. I’ll paste the console bug print.

  • And are you only adding the minified or the non-monitored/tablet as well? Are you starting the slider? (with $('#coin-slider').coinslider();)

  • I don’t know Sergio, I’m using the code Jquery and Javascript of the net, I haven’t started to study these languages.

  • Okay, answer given. Test and ask here if you can’t do it yourself.

Show 11 more comments

1 answer


I think you forgot two things:

Load the jQuery:

<script src="//"></script>

and start the slider with $('#coin-slider').coinslider();

After loading the CSS, the JS and the HTML are in place you have to call/start the slider. For this you select the element that contains the slider HTML and call the plugin method.

If you put it at the bottom of the page before the </body> you can use it like this:


If you want to press the head or the body start you can use it like this:

$(document).ready(function() {

Using your code is all that was missing:

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