Request on Postman (Chrome extension) works, but with ajax no


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I am making a request to a private API via POST. First I did the tests via Postman extension, everything went well.

Without following I did tests with the request via ajax and it does not work the same way.

Restangular.oneUrl("app" , "meutoken").get().then(function (data){
    var tokenF = data; //aqui eu trago um token desta api, e ele realmente vem

    //aqui eu envio o POST
        type : "POST",
        url : "formulario",
        data : {
            nome : formulario.nome,
            email :,
            telefone : formulario.telefone,
            assunto : formulario.assunto,
            mensagem : formulario.mensagem,
            tokenForm : tokenF
        async : false,
        success : function (data){

Following by Chrome’s Veloper tools, I see that all parameters have been sent, but the server’s response is that the tokenF is not being sent, but the other fields are.

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