Problem using "Frozen Columns" in Primefaces


Viewed 85 times


I’m using the first faces with frozenColumns, in this way:

<p:dataTable id="dataTable" var=.... scrollable="true" scrollWidth="800" frozenColumns="1">  

Only when it breaks the line, the Frozen column does not follow, as in this image:

Veja aqui o exemplo

How can I fix this?

  • English Please, it’s the "Official" language of Stackoverflow

  • @Kukeltje I used a Translator to Try and assist the Question. Hopefully this helps

  • @Danbeaulieu: Please don’t; the OP themselves must be Able to communicate in English. They need to be Able to Respond to feedback, for example.

  • @Danbeaulieu: if they cannot themselves provide an English Question, there is no point in Leaving the post open with a machine Translation.

  • @Martijnpieters Thank’s for the feedback, I’ll take that under advisement.

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