Error compiling Dagger 2 in Eclipse


Viewed 47 times


I am studying the project example of the official website of Dagger, which can be accessed in this link: I am using the eclipse IDE. When I run the project it gives error on the line where reference is made to the generated Dagger_coffee class. Eclipse is simply not generating this file automatically, as stated in the tutorials. I emphasize that I will not use Dagger in a mobile project, but with Java EE. I know CDI is the most appropriate, but this is a requirement of my boss. What must be wrong? Follow the code:

package coffee;

import dagger.Component;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public class CoffeeApp {
@Component(modules = { DripCoffeeModule.class })
    public interface Coffee {
        CoffeeMaker maker();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
      Coffee coffee = Dagger_Coffee.builder().build();

1 answer


Dagger no longer generates classes with "_", so replace Dagger_Coffee for DaggerCoffee and then give a Rebuild in the project.

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