Is there any way to optimize this code?


Viewed 128 times


How to optimize this code to make it faster?

if (strpos($qt, "blood") !== FALSE){
  if (preg_match("/^blood (?<blood>.+)$/", $qt, $match)){
    switch ($match['blood']) {
      case "a+": 
        $result = "A+"; 
        $sndline = "Ideal donor: A+<br>Other donors: A+ or O+<br>Only if no Rh(+) found: A- or O-"; 
      case "a-": 
        $result = "A-"; 
        $sndline = "Ideal donor: A-<br>Other donors: A- or O-"; 
      case "b+": 
        $result = "B+"; 
        $sndline = "Ideal donor: B+<br>Other donors: B+ or O+<br>Only if no Rh(+) found: B- or O-"; 
      case "b-": 
        $result = "B-";
        $sndline = "Ideal donor: B-<br>Other donors: B- or O-"; 
      case "ab+": 
        $result = "AB+"; 
        $sndline = "Ideal donor: AB+<br>Other donors: AB+ or A+ or B+ or O+<br>Only if no Rh(+) found: AB- or A- or B- or O-"; 
      case "ab-": 
        $result = "AB-"; 
        $sndline = "Ideal donor: AB-<br>Other donors: AB- or A- or B- or O-"; 
      case "o-": 
        $result = "O-"; 
        $sndline = "Ideal donor: O-<br>Other donors: O-"; 
      case "o+": 
        $result = "O+"; 
        $sndline = "Ideal donor: O+<br>Other donors: O+<br>Only if no Rh(+) found: O-"; 
  • What is the purpose of this code? what content is in the variable $qt? letters, numbers, special characters, etc..

  • you ever heard of design patterns? thought of creating a Factory?

  • @qmechanik The variable $qt can get all this you said, but in this case, she gets the text: blood a+.

  • 1

    @Israelzebulon I’ve never heard of it (I’m still new to PHP). Could you give me an example?

  • @hsbpedro The variable Qtpode vir nesse formatotexto_blooda+_outrotextobla`, no spaces? or there will always be spaces?

  • @qmechanik What I am creating is a text interpreter. In this case, I want when the user type blood <...>, the interpreter takes what is in the group ... and print the message in question.

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1 answer


One way to optimize this code is to eliminate the use of regular expressions, because it involves the process of implanting the engine of the regex in string, what causes a overload, unless it is really necessary to use it, by the way, the PHP page of function preg_match, mentions:

Do not use preg_match() if you just want to check if a string appears in another string. Use strpos() or strstr() instead, they will be faster.

One way to do this is to use the function strpos to find the position of a value in the string and with the function substr, extract it:

function extrairPedaco($texto, $inicio, $delimitador){
    $sub = substr($texto, strpos($texto, $inicio) + strlen($inicio), strlen($texto));
    return substr($sub, 1, strpos($sub, $delimitador));

And to use it, do so:

$texto = "The blood A+ tend to be cooperative, sensitive, clever, passionate and smart.";
$referencia = "blood";
$tipos = ['+', '-'];

foreach ($tipos as $tipo){
    $pedaco = extrairPedaco($texto, $referencia, $tipo);
    $pedaco = strtoupper($pedaco); // Converte para maiúsculo, eliminando a necessidade de usar a variável "result".
            case "A+": 
                echo "Ideal donor: A+<br>Other donors: A+ or O+<br>Only if no Rh(+) found: A- or O-"; 
            case "A-":  
                echo "Ideal donor: A-<br>Other donors: A- or O-"; 
            case "B+":  
                echo "Ideal donor: B+<br>Other donors: B+ or O+<br>Only if no Rh(+) found: B- or O-"; 
            case "B-":  
                echo "Ideal donor: B-<br>Other donors: B- or O-"; 
            case "AB+": 
                echo "Ideal donor: AB+<br>Other donors: AB+ or A+ or B+ or O+<br>Only if no Rh(+) found: AB- or A- or B- or O-"; break;
            case "AB-": 
                echo "Ideal donor: AB-<br>Other donors: AB- or A- or B- or O-"; 
            case "O-":  
                echo "Ideal donor: O-<br>Other donors: O-"; 
            case "O+":  
                echo "Ideal donor: O+<br>Other donors: O+<br>Only if no Rh(+) found: O-"; 
                // Faça algo aqui caso as comparações acima falhem.
                echo "No blood found\n";


  • 1

    Thank you, Qmechanik!

  • 1

    doesn’t need the !empty($pedaco) because it will fall into the default of the switch and "Ideal donor: " repeats in all sentences could be initialized before the switch and concatenated using $sndline .= '...';

  • @Gabrielgartz Thanks for the suggestion.

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