Sending of bulk emails


Viewed 297 times


I need to send bulk emails with PHP, as I can do this without having to wait for PHP to finish sending the emails and then reload the page?

For example, I have to send 100 emails, but I want to continue browsing my site while it is still sent, I wanted to put the task as if it were in the background, is it possible? How do I proceed?

I am using Codeigniter.

  • I believe you have to make one exec with & to run in the background, as in the shell script

  • You will need some worker or Queue system for codeigniter. I don’t know any already integrated to codeigniter, I think you will have to research a little.

  • @user13840 , I solved this by running php file as cron. (That’s because I used linux) then I had a routine that was run automatically without "eating" process in front of the user.

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