CSS Child selectors on IE8?


Viewed 213 times


Today I needed to fix to IE8 in which I used the following selector to align 3 boxes horizontally.

#page-content .section-servicos .box-servico:nth-child(3n+2){ margin-right:0px; }

in IE8 this code does not work, so I decided to do with Jquery because I knew that would work.

It was then that my doubt arose.

There is another way to play this same CSS selector effect that works on IE8?

Below is the Jquery fix I used to solve the problem (just in case someone needs it).

$('.box-servico:nth-child(3n+2)').css('margin-right', '0px');


EDIT: I found a very good article explaining the functionality of CSS selectors. LINK HERE

  • I answered your question exactly, without using Javascript. If you believe you are better, you can still exchange and by the right answer.

5 answers


Yes, there is a way to emulate only with CSS and without javascript, points that are question requirements, Nth-Child only with CSS. It’s a little more work, but it’s viable.

Syntax of Adjacent sibling selectors, MDN Documentation:

former_element + target_element { style properties }

Syntax of :first-Child, MDN Documentation:

element:first-Child { style properties }

Nth-Child equivalent with Fist-Child and sibling

/* Primeiro filho */
li:nth-child(1) {}
li:first-child {}

/* Segundo filho */
li:nth-child(2) {}
li:first-child + li {}

/* Terceiro filho filho */
li:nth-child(3) {}
li:first-child + li + li {}

How to do Nth-Child(Odd), Nth-Child(3n+2) and others?

In this case, it’s a little more work. To work with IE8 and up to IE7 you will manually need all the comma-separated equivalents up to a limit where you find interesting Nth-Child would calculate to infinity, but in your CSS you would have to put a number as far as you think pertinent

li:nth-child(2n) {}
/* Equivalente até o oitavo valor */
li:first-child + li,
li:first-child + li + li +li,
li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li,
li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li {


Other solutions will necessarily involve javascript code or additional markup in your HTML. Unless it’s really necessary and nothing simple to solve, it’s not interesting to add even more javascript to your page, especially if it’s complex.

IE8 and in particular IE7 may take a long time, but much longer to process the page when using polyfills to a point where it is unacceptable.

A page that rendered in 200ms in Chrome, when using polyfills for Nth-Child came smoothly to 7 seconds. At the time I solved just adding more classes in HTML

  • 1

    What a deal on friend, all using js and you simply CSS, genius ;]

  • A hail, this for me is really new


As we can see in this article of Microsoft the is not fully compatible with some properties of :

Windows Internet Explorer 8 is fully compatible with CSS specification, Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1), and supports some Level 3 CSS features (CSS 3).

Observing the excerpt that comments on the here, we can realize that no version of equal to or less than is compatible with the :
:root, :nth-child(), :nth-last-child(), :nth-of-type(), :nth-last-of-type(), :last-child, :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :only-child, :only-of-type, :empty, :target, :not(X), :enabled, :disabled, :checked, :indeterminate, :default, :valid, :invalid, :in-range, :out-of-range, :required, :optional, :read-only and :read-write

In this way use or one of his main frameworks becomes the best solution to treat the situation without having to make changes to its or .

  • That’s pretty good your answer, that’s kind of what I thought was going on with this blessing navigator, haha... Thanks. =)


You can put classes in the elements that will use this style:

#page-content .section-servicos .box-servico.ultima{ margin-right:0px; }
  • So I’d run away from the selector scheme, but it would be a solution.

  • Using javascript is not bad, but how everyone uses it is the suggestion that everyone gave. On the other hand, as I’ve seen several sites made for IE8 that use classes for this, I tried to give a different suggestion.


You can use the IE9.js.

Only include:

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src="http://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1(beta4)/IE9.js"></script>
  • As I just needed this fix not only put a plugin for this, would 'weigh' the site, but I believe it would also be a great solution, if I had adopted its use from the beginning of the project. hehe, thanks =)


It is not a "lightweight" solution but there is a project that creates a Polyfill for IE8 to have more complete CSS3 support.


By native IE8 does not support both its "querySelector" and the CSS itself most CSS3 pseudo-selectors, it also fails when using anchor pseudo-selectors at a lower level, for example:

a:hover div // Nunca será achado no IE8 mesmo que seu mouse esteja em cima da ancora que contenha uma div
  • It’s like you said is not a light solution and since I wouldn’t need almost anything else from this plugin (which is great) for this fix, it would be unviable a plugin. But thanks. : ) ps: not feasible is to use IE8, but since they use it, we push it forward...

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