generate java artifacts Maven project with Parent on Jenkins


Viewed 555 times


I wonder if someone has already generated package artifacts of a module by the project Parent in Jenkins!? Well, I’ve tried every way I can think of, but so far I’ve only made mistakes! Remembering that in the eclipse it rotates normalmete.

  • Can you give us more details?

  • How you’re generating the artifact in Jenkins? mvn clean ?

2 answers


For whoever needs it... If the Project has all the modules inside the same folder, just go to "Source Management" and insert the address of your repository in the "Repository URL" field; If the modules are in separate folders also enter the address of each repository in a "Repository URL" field (to add it click on "add module"); In each repository address choose the project you want and add the project name in "Local module directory" It will look like this: Parent Repository URL: full address/Parent Local module directory: Parent modulo1 Repository URL: full address/modulo1 Local module directory: modulo1

modulo2 Repository URL: full address/modulo2 Local module directory: modulo2

in "build" add address of pom Parent:

Pom Root: Parent/pom.xml Goals and options:)

and click on the next button to add the Settings.


In the Jenkins menu -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure the system -> configure the JDK, the Maven, the email for notifications.

After that, create a Job in the New Job menu and choose "Build a project with Maven". Just after clicking Ok, select the configured JDK, select the CVS or Subversion option, and fill in the Repository URL field pointing to the Parent project. In the pom root field just put pom.xml. In the goals and options put "clean install".

Click Save and then click on the button to "schedule a build".

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