How to create a navigation layout?


Viewed 53 times


I would like to create a navigation layout. Example: I have keyboard with swipe in horizontal motion, it changes the keyboard layout. What layout should I use to accomplish this task?

If anyone could give me an example, I’d appreciate it.

  • Look, for me it is not at all clear what is in fact your doubt. It is possible to give more details?

  • @Paulorodrigues the idea is second I have two types of keyboards made, each in its layout, when the user passes the finger horizontally switch keyboard that is in the other layout. Not if these options can do, they are include Other layout or Fragment. I don’t know if it was clear.

  • Rodolfo, you want something similar to ViewPager or something more subtle where you detect the Fling and changes the layout? If it is the second case you can use a GestureDetector

  • @Wakim yes that’s the idea

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