Sort at the lowest price in a Mysql table


Viewed 2,432 times


How to list products that have the lowest price for the highest!

From smallest to largest! Using PHP and Mysql.

  • ORDER BY ASC in mysql.

  • You already have something ready and just really need the syntax of your query (which is precisely the answer of Earendul - missing only inform the name of the field) or you want from the connection to the database to the listing of the data in ascending order?

1 answer


Just you add this code at the end of your select:

ORDER BY `preco` Asc

In this case, you use ASC to sort in an ascending and DESC to sort in a descending fashion.

A select complete would look like this:

SELECT * FROM `produtos` ORDER BY `preco` Asc

You can see an example using php at this link.

Follow an example in Sqlfiddle: Example here

  • I’ve used (ORDER BY DESC value) for some products I seek it works, but for others not, for example: I searched a headset, and returned 2 headphones, the first on the list has the value of R $ 119,00 but the second is $ 99,00 That is, it is not ordering from the smallest to the largest! In the input field for the user to put the product value, I am using validation (maskMoney). And in the table field I defined as (VARCHAR 255)

  • If possible, post the structure of your table, so you can help better. Use the fiddle with an example, which thus put the solution based on your real problem.

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