Hide input value


Viewed 3,042 times


I need to hide/remove the value from my input, but I’m not getting it at all, where am I missing? Thank you very much


<div class="caixa-pesquisa">
   <div class="caixa-pesquisa-input">
      <input type="text" class="pesquisa-class" value="Digite o produto desejado...">   
         <div class="caixa-pesquisa-btn"><a class="btn-buscar" href="#">buscar</a></div>


<script type="text/javascript" >
$(document).ready(function (){
$('.pesquisa-class').click(function(){if(this.value == this.defaultValue) {this.value = ;}});
$('.pesquisa-class').blur(function(){if (this.value == ) {this.value = this.defaultValue;}});
  • 2

    It is not easier to use a field of the type password?

  • But then he encrypts my text, no?

  • No, the value goes in plain text for those who receive the values. If you wanted the values to arrive encrypted the ideal would be to use SSL/TSL, but there is an aspect of the HTTP connection (HTTPS, in this case) and no longer has to do with the application.

  • But in case it would be a product search box,

  • You’re looking to simulate a placeholder?

  • I still don’t understand. The user will do the search but you don’t want the text to appear? This is bad from the usability point of view. Try to explain better what you’re trying to do.

  • 2

    Now that @Erloncharles commented on placeholder, the question makes sense. Just set the attribute placeholder in the search field with the value you want to appear initially :)

  • As for usability: unless the user has any problems it will be difficult for them to forget that it is a search, even after the text disappears. What can not is not show (and it is a problem that I am having a Wordpress theme, the focus, automatic, makes the placeholder not show).

  • The placeholder served me, I wanted when the user clicked on the search bar to disappear the value , this perfect now. Thank you!!

  • 1

    @CRAJ Note the answers to the question and mark one as correct, the reputation for who answered it and regardless of who you mark it, it also helps the community to grow :D

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7 answers



You don’t need anything you’re doing, you can just use the attribute placeholder of <input> in this way:

<input type="text" class="pesquisa-class" placeholder="Digite o produto desejado..." value="">


Utilise to do what you need, it wouldn’t be necessary because the <input>'s of contains some attributes that facilitate many things, among them the placeholder would be the most suitable attribute for what you want to do.

The placeholder is the most modern way to inform the user what he has to type in that field, previously we used Label’s that would be texts above the field.

Documentation of the placeholder


Tested and running in the following browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox (27.0)
  • Google Chrome (32.0)
  • Safari (5.1.7)
  • Opera (12.16)
  • Internet Explorer (IE11,IE10)

Does not work in the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer(IE9,IE8,IE7)

Solution for Unsupported Browsers:

Using a function called placeholder():

function placeholder(str){

You should run it once when loading your page:

placeholder("Digite o produto desejado...");

And you should assign these events to your input, which would be ao clicar nele(click) to clear its value, and ao sair dele(Blur) place the placeholder again.

$('input').on("click", function () {
  var ValorAnterior = $.cookie("ValorAtual") || "";
$('input').on("blur", function () {
  $.cookie("ValorAtual", $(this).val());
  placeholder("Digite o produto desejado...");

But you have to include the plugin jQuery Cookie (if you want to use another form of cookie is your option).

  • Paulo, increase with some suggestion of fallback for browsers without placeholder support

  • Paul, agree with me that so every time user exits input he will lose the data?

  • Regarding the compatible solution for the browsers not compatible ? Got it, good download @Spark ! I’ll change this already :P

  • from a @Spark look

  • It still behaves differently from the default browser. https://gist.github.com/SparK-Cruz/9096590 The use would be $("input"). placeholder();


Your javascript has 2 errors, fixing is like this:

   $(document).ready(function (){
      $('.pesquisa-class').click(function(){if(this.value == this.defaultValue) {this.value = '';}});
      $('.pesquisa-class').blur(function(){if (this.value == '') {this.value = this.defaultValue;}});

In the .blur your if you were just if (this.value == ) without the other value. No .click was this.value = ; without a value to define.

Code in the Jsfiddle


Use the attribute placeholder in the input.
This attribute only shows the text you choose while the value input is empty.

<div class="caixa-pesquisa">
   <div class="caixa-pesquisa-input">
      <input type="text" class="pesquisa-class" placeholder="Digite o produto desejado..." value="">   
         <div class="caixa-pesquisa-btn"><a class="btn-buscar" href="#">buscar</a></div>


What you’re looking for is a placeholder, in this case, if your HTML 5 support page, you just need to put "Type the desired product..." into a placeholder attribute, the only one though is that not all browsers fully support the placeholder(IE), then there is the alternative in javascript or jquery plugins , I searched the site in English, because I know I saw a similar question recently, but I did not find anything.


Since you are using jQuery can write code this way:

$(document).ready(function () {
    // armazena valor
    $('.pesquisa-class').get(0).defaultValue = $('.pesquisa-class').val();
    // limpa valor
        if($(this).val() == this.defaultValue) $(this).val('');
    // recupera valor
        if($(this).val() == '') $(this).val(this.defaultValue);

You have to store your default value in order to compare.

To test use the Jsfiddle.

In modern browsers the tag input supports the property placeholder which serves exactly what is being done via javascript.

  • didn’t work buddy..

  • @CRAJ I put a fiddle so you could see it working.


The idea is to leave a standard text for user instruction and/or label of the field to be filled. As stated in the other answers, this feature is available in all modern browsers via the attribute placeholder:

<input type="text" value="" placeholder="teste" />

For older browsers to understand the attribute placeholder the use of a plugin (can use at will). It is only enabled when it detects that the browser does not support placeholders natively.


Use the <input type='password'> is much better.. and when you go to take the value of it it returns you as string, you understand ? nothing encrypted..

thus: http://jsfiddle.net/V4swX/

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