association between variables


Viewed 56 times


id Acidente   id_Vitima    Sexo_Vitima   Faixa_etaria       Gravidade_acidente
1              1              1               7                 1
2              1              1               3                 3
2              1              2               3                 3
3              1              2               6                 2
3              2              1               2                 2
3              3              1               7                 2
3              4              2               7                 2

I intend to make an analysis of the association between the variable Gravity_accident and the variable Sexo_victim.

My doubt is that the database has id Repeated accident and I do not know if I can make association analysis with the data in that form or create a new database without repeating id Accident.

  • 2

    What is the difference between this question and the another what you did?

  • It seems to me that the idea is to have even the id Accident repeated. This table seems to have composite keys. Where the idAcidente and id_Vitima are the keys.. You can’t have these two fields repeated

  • @Cesarean Miguel It may be more there is repetition in par 2,1. Unless sexo_victim is part of the key, however the victim would be bisexual!

  • 1

    @ramaral, now even laughed :) really, making this analysis the victim 1 is really emafrodita :P

  • 1

    @Cesarmiguel Yes the correct term is hermaphrodite and not bisexual. (hermaphrodite and not emasculated.)

  • @ramaral Should have consulted google before writing :/

  • Ana, don’t take our comments personally. Once in a while a little humor is allowed here and even healthy, as long as there is no abuse!

  • there is typo in the variables id accident and id_victim. the correct is par 2,1 and 2,2

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