Association between variables: database


Viewed 127 times


I have the following database:

id Acidente    id_Vitima    Sexo_Vitima   Faixa_etaria    Gravidade_acidente
1               1             1               7              2
2               1             1               6              1
2               2             2               8              1
3               1             2               6              3
3               1             2               2              3
3               1             2               7              3
3               1             2               7              3

I intend to perform an association analysis between variable Gravidade_acidente and the variable Sexo_Vitima.

My question is that the database has id Acidente repeated and do not know if I can make association analysis with the data in this form or create a new database without repetition of id Acidente.

  • Your data seems strange to me. As you have in a same accident, the same victim with different age groups?

  • Ana, that doesn’t sound like a programming question to me, but a question of statistics, data analysis. This type of question would fit on this site here:

  • Poix is Molx you’re right

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