How to create table with android email plugin


Viewed 88 times


Hello! I’m breaking my head since morning and can’t make it work.

Using only these HTML commands i need to create a table. Follow the commands if you do not want to enter the site:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The table needs to be something like this:

Nome                       João
Sexo                  Masculino
Idade                   30 anos
Data                 66/66/6666
Saldo                    500,00 <-- essa linha em negrito

I need something like this, but I can’t do it. Can someone help me!??!?

  • 1

    Without the correct tags (by itself, none of these tags do this) or even support CSS (That’s what I understood from plugin), I don’t think it’s possible to get the result you expect.

  • @Paulorodrigues It’s what I think, but the customer needs it like this and using this x.x section

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