preg_match('/ d*$/', $nr_procedure) ? 'f' : ’t'; - what do ? php


Viewed 217 times


I have it (preg_match('/^\d*$/', $nr_procedimento) ? 'f' : 't';) in a code, but I have no idea what it does, more precisely the part of preg_match('/^\d*$/'. Does anyone know?

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2 answers


The function preg_match matches a regular expression in a string, returning 1 in match case, 0 if there was no match and false in case any error has occurred.

You pass two parameters to it, the first being a regular expression and the second the string to be checked.

In your case the regex is /^\d*$/, defining each part:

/ indicates the start of the regular expression

^ indicates that your pattern starts as follows

\d defines that they are numerical values

* defines that the previous element may occur 0 or n times

$ indicates that your string should end here

/ indicates the end of regular expression

You can see more about preg_match here.

In your complete example you have a ternary.

preg_match('/^\d*$/', $nr_procedimento) ? 'f' : 't';

In this case, if the contents of the variable $nr_procedimento der match na regex shown, the value f will be returned by the ternary, otherwise will be returned t.

  • 1

    It is worth noting that it is an instruction inline who will return f or t - the ugly way to FALSE or TRUE. I only commented here as an observation, because you gave the output of the function, and it will have something other than 0 or 1.

  • Huum legal, thank you for the explanation.

  • 1

    Well quoted @Papacharlie, I’m going to edit and add this. I ended up just explaining the preg_match for that is what he asked in the description of the question, but the title induces the rest.


Is a regular expression to find a line that starts and ends with numbers. The heaped symbols are known as meta characters, each has a function:

^ - means beginning of line.

\d - is an abbreviation for [0-9] or just numbers.

* - makes the greedy combination, if as many times as possible the defined pattern.

$ - means end of line

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