Your Activity is the set of Drawer, Actionbar and any Fragments you add to it. Imagine Activity as a 'box' on you put 'blocks', which are the Fragments, so every time you select a new item in Drawer it changes the 'block' of your 'box'.
If you started Activity it must contain a 'main' Fragment, 'home', 'main', as you prefer to call, to be added to your Framelayout. After navigating the application through the menu your Framelayout will be replaced by other Fragments (Fragmentmanager replace command).
If you use the method 'addToBackStack("name")' the Fragmentmanager of your Activity will create a stack of Fragments that will be popped if you use the method 'onBackPressed()'.
In case you want, when clicking on some button you see again your 'Home' just replace for your 'home' fragment. And if you were stacking Fragments with addToBackStack("name")' you can clear the stack using:
getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
And then replace to your main fragment:
.replace(, FragmentMain.newInstance(), "fragmentMain")
Let me get this straight: you have a main Activity with a Drawerlayout. These menu options are Fragments (as it should be) and if it is not in the main Fragment, you want when touching the title it goes back to the main one? Or have some code to better illustrate your question?
– Paulo Rodrigues