Configure Relational and Non-relational Databases in the same project with Spring-Data + Hibernate


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I am trying to create a Java application where I need to configure two databases: Mongodb and Mysql. My idea is to use Spring-Data with Hibernate for both banks, but I found only tutorials for setting up Cross-Store between banks.

Is there any way I can configure my templates so that each one is persisted in the database I configure in XML?

  • I have been through the same difficulty as you, however my case was to connect in two different relational banks (oracle and postgre) with each one with its entities. I did a lot of research, but I didn’t find anything either. I opened a question in the English OS and I got no answer. So I had to abandon this solution, but still want to know if this is possible with Spring Data.

  • I believe this is possible using a configuration similar to this I have read about some situations where they configured differently, as in this thread:

  • I made this configuration. But how would you specify which EM the Spring Data Daos would use using the XML configuration?

  • In Hibernate it is already configured by Sessionfactory property packagesToScan ... With JPA, I believe the answer indicated by @utluiz below is the most appropriate

1 answer


Using class-based configuration and annotations it is possible to split the configuration of each Spring Data JPA repository and its respective DataSource in a separate configuration file.

This article have an example:

        entityManagerFactoryRef = "barEntityManagerFactory", 
        transactionManagerRef = "barTransactionManager",
        basePackages = { "" })
public class BarConfig {

    @Autowired JpaVendorAdapter jpaVendorAdapter;

    @Bean(name = "barDataSource")
    public DataSource dataSource() {
        return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()

    @Bean(name = "barEntityManager")
    public EntityManager entityManager() {
        return entityManagerFactory().createEntityManager();



Then you’d do the same to FooConfig, that is, for the other configuration class that will set another DataSource, EntityManager and @EnableJpaRepositories.

Via XML the process would be identical. The important thing is that the EntityManager and the TransactionManager especificados em cada configuração de repositório apontem para oDatasource` desired.

  • Excellent @utluiz, I’ll do some tests here and comment again. Thank you!

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