I am generating a graph usually without problems, only occurs with smaller percentages, showing the 'slice' correctly, but the value of this percentage is not displayed. I tried to change the piechart diameter, as I saw that it is possible in xhtml (the showcase is done in Java, but the parameter property does not appear to be set for me). Has anyone been through this, or could you assist me? Note: I use Primefaces 3.5.
Below is the code I use and the graphic image:
this.graficoAteste = new PieChartModel();
graficoAteste.set("Sim", 33);
graficoAteste.set("Não", 2);
graficoAteste.set("Parcial", 1);
graficoAteste.set("Não Atestado", 0);
<p:pieChart id="graficoAteste" widgetVar="grafico_pizza"
legendPosition="e" fill="true" showDataLabels="true"
style="width:450px;height:350px" sliceMargin="6" diameter="200"
rendered="#{graficoAtestePeriodoBean.graficoAteste != null}" />