Problems with Scriptresource.axd and ASP.NET version 4.5


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Previously my project was of the Webforms type and used version 3.5 of the . NET Framework. But I converted it to Web Application and upgraded the framework to 4.5 and some features that previously did not present problems simply no longer exist.

Example: I have the Save and Cancel buttons inside a Contenttemplate that is inside an Updatepanel that is inside a div with id #divParametro2. The div#divParametro2 element is "jQuery Dialog type".

After the conversion, when I put a breakpoint in the 'click' events of the Save and Cancel buttons, and click these buttons, nothing happens. Literally nothing! No javascript error and debug does not stop at the breakpoints created.

The image below is from the browser toolbox after the page has been loaded.

Caixa de Ferramentas do Desenvolvedor - Google Chrome

I searched the internet about the Scriptresource.axd file, but only understood that it manages asynchronous requests. I don’t know how to use it or disable it.

The second line of error, from the jquery-1.4.4-min file. js, line 23, I believe explains why some popups inside the main popup, which contains the Save and Cancel action buttons do not open. :'(

I need a direction.

  • is using the jQueryUI? dialog if yes is moving the dialog inside the form after opening it?

  • I looked at the source code and yes, Dialog is the son of a form element, but it seems to have been put there dynamically, I need to confirm this.

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