Get data from that server using Curl


Viewed 223 times


  • Curl will not run ajax. It takes what it has natively on the page.

  • What you can try is to extract the internal address and make a new request: http:/

  • But at the first request Curl will not wait for iframe to return with these values, it will only return with the content natively on the page. Then I’m back to square one.

  • Ever spied the coded values on base 64 right at the beginning of the source? Take a look at __VIEWSTATE, there might be something interesting there. If not, it may be the case to use your browser’s Developer mode to study where the values you need come from, because one way or another they are referenced in the source of the initial (or in some resource loaded by this one). If your browser renders that, nothing prevents you from playing the behavior programmatically.

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