Dynamic data display with PHP


Viewed 1,985 times


I am developing a website, in which I have several products, for example and a button for each of them.

When I click the button, it opens a modal (Bootstrap).

But, I want to generate the content of this modal, or the whole modal even dynamically with a Function in PHP

For example, a product with the data

Nome: Carro,
Valor: 3,000.

Then I send the information to the function:

gerarmodal($nome, $valor);

And she returns to me the modal, or her content, with the values of the variables in their proper places.

"You are buying a Car, for the amount of 3,000 reais."

I know it is necessary to use javascript together with php, to request the data without refresh. I’ve tried but I can’t come up with a logic to make it work.

How could I do that and display the modal on my page?

  • Hello, welcome to Stackoverflow! I don’t think you can do this using PHP, since it runs inside the server. Only if you call a page. php inside the modal with iframe, or call inside a div superimposed on the rest of the page (modal) or something similar. But I believe it is easier to be solved using Ajax requests.

  • 1

    Yes. I forgot to mention that javascript would be needed, along with PHP. ?

  • Search on AJAX, then put a System in the boot that runs AJAX and put the data in the modal.

  • Take a look here: http://answall.com/q/6626/129

2 answers


It’s quite simple to actually work with the combination of html,ajax and php to make requests, see the example below:

1 thing to do is to put a field inside the modal where you will receive this information, in my case I used a div called content:

 <div id="conteudo"></div>

2 you already have a button that when you click opens the modal, so in addition to opening the modal you should call an ajax that will send information to php, I created a function that searches cars stating the minimum and maximum value of each one:

 $("#botao").click(function(){ // no click do botao que abre a modal faça

function buscaCarro(min, max) {
      type: "POST",
      url: 'arquivo.php',
      dataType: 'json',
      data: 'acao=carro' + '&min=' + min + '&max=' + max,
      success: function (data) {
         // resposta do php
        $("#conteudo").append(data); // colocando o conteudo na modal
 // dependendo do conteudo pode ser html(),text()...

      error: function (data) {

Ajax accesses the php file and makes the following action:

 if($_REQUEST['acao'] === "carro"):
      $output = buscaCarro($_REQUEST['min'],$_REQUEST['max']);

 echo json_encode($output);

This is a basic example, I advise you to take a basic workbook: Handouts - Ajax Php

  • Thank you very much! I already know what I needed. What I was really running away from was logic. I managed to make it work here Õ/


Buddy, come on, I think the way is this:

A PHP file that will return the information of a product, where, such a file will receive the product ID, for example.

A little Javascript (and jQuery) that will make the request in the PHP file and, after receiving the data, will include such values in the modal.

Come on:

php query.

$id = $_POST['id'];

// faça sua query aqui e adicione em $dadosRetornados

echo json_encode($dadosRetornados);

functions js.

Now you must make a function that receives the product ID and use it in the request that will make the query. Something like this: (idProduct will be the parameterized value)

    type: "POST",
    url: "consulta.php",
    data: { id: idProduto },
    success: function (resposta) {
        var dados = JSON.parse(resposta);
        $('#conteudoModal').html('Produto: ' + dados.nome + 'Valor: ' + dados.valor);


I believe this is the solution you are looking for, just change your HTML and add the function that will make the modal call.

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