Identify the positions of objects


Viewed 441 times


I have two images that I move, and I keep their position x and y in an array. I create a clone of each image, and when I stop moving (onmouseup) I save its position. I give the same id to each generated image to know which one. Without creating two arrays, I wanted to know how to identify in the array, what is the position of the object.


  • You’re already holding the ID on ddData.movidos, can you use this ID to recover the data again right? How do you want to recover the data or identify the object?

  • How can I identify, because when I print the array, I don’t know which element was moved. Whatever the image, I only know its id.

  • If you know the ID you can do document.getElementById(id); right? you can also store in the object ddData.movidos a field with el: ddData.element.

  • Yes I know the id, but when I create the clone I get that if it is image 1, the various clones of that image are all '1', if it is image 2, all clones of that image are 2. So I can know what the image is. In the array I have all the positions, but I don’t know which image belongs to, for example if it is the clone of image 1 or 2.

1 answer


I suggest you adjust the function where you create the clones. Something like this:

function mousedown(e) {
    var evt = e || window.event;
    var el = ddData.element = || evt.srcElement;
    var id =
    if (!el || el.tagName == 'svg' || ddData.movidos[id]) return ddData.element = null;
    var clone = el.cloneNode(true); = id + '_' + (ddData.contadorElementos++);

This way each new clone will have the original ID, and the dragging element (ddData.element) will have a unique ID formed by the original element ID (img1 or img2 in the example you gave) another part _x which is the number of ddData.contadorElementos which is always increasing with each generated element.

That way you always have unique Ids and can fetch the element when you need and whose ID is registered in the keys of your object ddData.movidos.

  • for the same project, I wanted to stop moving and clone at a certain value. For example when creating at most 10 clones.

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