How to customize the Delphi editor?


Viewed 5,715 times


I would like to get some tool to customize the Delphi editor. Although it is a great editor, with features integrated with the component interface that generates and updates code automatically; newer editors like eclipse contain identation features that would be very useful in Delphi.

I would like resources like those shown in the figures below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui inserir a descrição da imagem aqui inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Just for the record, it’s not a photo from my monitor, it’s an image I pulled from a blog header.

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    I do not understand why the question was put on hold as based on opinions. It is a question with right or wrong answers. He’s not asking what is the best addon for Delphi, he’s asking what tool can help him get the Features he wants, and he’s made it very clear what they are.

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    Guys, what do you think about editing this question, making it less generic so that the title and body explicitly say that the user wants to "ident/hide" instead of something as broad as perfecting?

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    I believe that if the title is changed to "Specifying and hiding/displaying code blocks from the Delphi editor" and there is a change or other in the body it can be reopened. As we do in this case?

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    As our friend @Arthurdeandrade said is a question with an objective answer, not based on opinions, but could be closed as decontextualized because it is not a programming problem but rather doubts about the use of an IDE, in this case I still think it should not be closed because if there is an IDE tag, it means that it is within the scope

3 answers


Guy has a good plugin and with a lot of use Cnpack. I use it in the company where I work and help a lot.

Do not be alarmed, he is Chinese. But no problem can install and configure. It is also very simple to install. Now the configuration of things has to poke around a lot, because there are many options.

  • How so Chinese? I got this tool in English! hehehe. Look on his website that already has an update in several languages.

  • So, but I say who develops. Is that I once indicated to the staff and they were a little suspicious. rsrs

  • 1

  • +1. I’ve been using Cnpack for quite some time and it’s really an impressive tool. It adds a lot to the IDE.


Another alternative to Cnpack is the Gexpert, Looks like it’s got the same tools as Cnpack, except for the color scheme and the beading. Particularly prefer so, I think it leaves the screen very polluted when activating this feature in Cnpack.

Another tip is the Delphi Speed UP helps and greatly in the load speed of Delphi itself, and when you use code Completion (Ctrl + Space)

Another tip is the site Delphi About because it has a list of very interesting plugins for Delphi.

  • +1. Very good face your Delphi Speed UP tip. I regularly use the Gexpert and Cnpack combined, but the Speed Up I did not know. I use the Delphi 2006, I did some tests without the Speed Up, opening times of 6.12s, 6.06s and 6.03s. Already with Speed Up lowered to 4.12s, 4.16s and 4.11s. 21% faster opening. Not counting the project parse, which also improved.


I use the Cnpack together with just one or two Gexpert features. A cool extra that I recommend is the Delphi IDE Theme Editor.

All this together makes using Delphi a little more pleasant. At least for me.

What I wanted most was a way to use an external editor to codate Delphi in Emacs.

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