I have on a client’s page a log generation routine. However, I always need to add a header field on the first line. Here is the function code:
public function generateLogPMWeb($action){
$logPMWeb = $_SESSION['usuario']['id'] . ";" . $_SESSION['usuario']['id'] . "_" . $_POST['idHotel'] . "_" . date('YmdHis') . ";" . $_SESSION['usuario']['nome'] . ";" . $_SESSION['usuario']['sobrenome'] . ";" . $_SESSION['usuario']['email'] . ";" . "IC"
. ";" . $_SESSION['usuario']['id'] . "_" . $_POST['idHotel'] . "_" . date('YmdHis') . ";" . $_POST['idHotel'] . ";" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ";" . $_SESSION['buscaReserva']['dataInicio'] . ";" . $_SESSION['buscaReserva']['dataFim']
. ";" . "Acao: " . preg_replace('/^\s+|\n|\r|\s+$/m', '', $action) . ";\n";
file_put_contents(Config::retorna("document_root", "root").'/logs/logPMWeb_'.date("Ymd").'.csv', $logPMWeb, FILE_APPEND);
I have looked on other sites the use of fputcsv function, but I do not know it serves for this case. is better to do?
What makes the function
? Post the code if it’s not giant– Lucas
I didn’t find the code, but I believe it is to configure the directory root where the CSV file will be inserted.
– Gustavo Hoppe Levin