Merge table using a Subquery


Viewed 923 times


I have 3 tables: inscricaoaluno, inscricaoescola and prova, with the following structures:







According to the tipo of the test, 'COLLECTIVE' or 'INDIVIDUAL' I will get all enrolled schools and/or all enrolled students, for this I would like to make a query to get only the quantities...

Here’s what I’m trying to do:

select * from prova p 
left join (
    case when p.tipo='COLETIVO' then 
        (SELECT ie.idProva, count(ie.idEscola) as qtde FROM inscricaoescola ie
        group by ie.idProva) 
        (SELECT ia.idProva, count(ia.idaluno) as qtde FROM inscricaoaluno ia
        group by ia.idProva)
    end as cont) 
on cont.idprova = p.idprova;

In the Sqldeveloper console appears:

"parenthesis right not found"

I wonder if it is possible to create a Query with this structure that I tried to do /\

left join (case {condição} then {subquery} else {outra_subquery} )

If there aren’t any I’d like some light on how I can do that..

  • If I understand correctly, this information should be in the projection and not in JOIN, you want the total of schools or students that the test will have right?

  • In Sql Serve you can do using dynamic Querys. They are mounted as strings and then run.

2 answers


About the error message:

"parenthesis right not found"

The problem is left speaking the alias of the created temporary table.

select * from prova p 
left join (
    case when p.tipo='COLETIVO' then 
        (SELECT ie.idProva, count(ie.idEscola) as qtde FROM inscricaoescola ie
        group by ie.idProva) 
        (SELECT ia.idProva, count(ia.idaluno) as qtde FROM inscricaoaluno ia
        group by ia.idProva)
    end)  as cont '<<<<<<<<<<< 
on cont.idprova = p.idprova;

About your intention with the sought structure:

left join (case {condição} then {subquery} else {outra_subquery} )

It’s definitely a bad idea. Imagine the super processing that Oracle will have to do to accomplish this join.

  1. You will have to bring all the records from the table Prova, unfiltered;
  2. For each record, perform the operation of the Join and create a new temporary table;
  3. Perform a Union in all temps created to create a single temporary table to perform the Left Join;
  4. Execute the Left Join of all the records of Prova against a temporary, without any index.
  5. Run the filter on Where finally filtering out what you need;

In the end, numerous tables will be involved, to calculate:

1 (Proof) + (Qtd of Records in Proof) + 1 (Temp. after Union)

That is, totally insane. Not counting the processing costs to realize the count() and group by. And another, the last clause WHERE bush the LEFT JOINs. From a revised.

It follows a simpler and more direct proposal. I have no way to run here with me, but if it doesn’t work, make small adjustments and let me know I’ll update the response.

       COUNT(IE.IdEscola) OVER(PARTITION BY IE.IdProva) QtdeIE,
  FROM Prova p
  JOIN InscricaoEscola IE
    ON P.Tipo = 'COLETIVO' AND IE.IdProva = P.IdProva
  JOIN InscricaoAluno IA
    ON P.Tipo = 'INDIVIDUAL' AND IA.IdProva = P.IdProva


  • Haha friend, thanks for the answer, today I do not even find myself in the same company, so I have not even to test more , just one detail, the processing of the query ended up getting kind of heavy even, of a table with about 500 thousand records, it took about 40 seconds to execute

  • Wow, I hadn’t even seen the dates. Well, if you can, mark it as an answer then, for the effort. rs @Marcelobonifazio

  • Not so, relax at the time I didn’t have much time to answer, and I accept if you detail more here in your reply the functionality of your query, like how over Partition works

  • That’s a hint of how it works, if anyone else has that problem in the future

  • I had already put there a link to know more. :)

  • Yes haha, but I think it would be better if you pulled some of the explanation of the content here for your answer

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Well, I don’t know if it’s really the great solution, but I managed to solve...

Instead of trying to create this crazy logic of creating ONE left join with a case inside, I created two left's join:

select * from prova p 
left join (SELECT ie.idProva, count(ie.idEscola) as qtde FROM inscricaoescola ie
        group by ie.idProva) contE on cont.idprova = p.idprova
left join
        (SELECT ia.idProva, count(ia.idaluno) as qtde FROM inscricaoaluno ia
        group by ia.idProva) contA on cont.idprova = p.idprova;

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