Conversion from site to application


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What’s the best way to 'convert' a website (with cakephp) to an android app.

I would like to convert with all functions and that the databases were 'synchronized'

The functions that it has are basically those of a normal CRUD, except that the CRUD of the application would have to be related to the same database of the site

  • I think the best way would be to create an api in php by returning json and consuming it in a phonegap something like this.

  • I’m not sure if it works, but there’s something called CORDOVA that generates native applications from HTML + CSS, maybe it’s good for something, try it there.

  • 1

    Can you explain better what you mean by "convert"? You can create a native application that has all the features of the site. You can also create a mobile version website and "wrap" as app (in this case, the app is simply a browser). Please edit the question explain better what you have in mind. Thank you.

  • As for the second identical question he asks today, he needs to explain himself better so we can help

  • Yeah, like @Otto said, we need to explain it better. We’re not getting what your question is. And she needs to be more specific, the way the question is the answer would need to be almost a book.

  • I’ve already added information to the question, see if it’s understandable now

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1 answer


The best alternative is to create a Webservice in PHP as Otto commented. Once you have a working Webservice you can create a dedicated application for your system functions and synchronize the data via the Webservice. To create the application you can use various techniques such as:

  • Cordova/Phonegap/Titanium/Ionic
  • Xamarin
  • QT
  • Application dedicated in each language (native)

Overall I recommend creating an application in each language.

If you can wait some time the TIDEKIT may be useful.

Tidekit is a form of Wrapper of various languages to create applications for Desktop and Mobile on different platforms. In this case you could create your application on PHP and Javascript. And then compact with the Tidekit to generate a mobile application (both Android and iOS). Its promissa is very close to the Cordova but promises to work with more languages and more platforms.

As it is not yet in full operation I can not talk more about it. However it is worth quoting.

Here is a list of links for reference.

If you choose to develop an application using Cordova (Phonegap/Ionic), there are some links that you can use to improve your knowledge.

Cordova Best Practices

There is also a great tutorial on Cordova with focus on the main developmental stressors.

With these two links you should be able to create a complete application, but there is not much network focus, to get a general sense of how the network process works in a Cordova application you can check this link.

As a tip I recommend that you look for tutorials about Javascript with the function you want or implement the function you want on a website. Then try to make the adjustment to Cordova. After all it is much faster to debug a software in your browser than in your mobile browser or an emulator.

  • I did some tests using Phonegap, but when making the 'requests' for my site I was not successful. Do you have an example for me to follow, or would you have a reading tip to recommend me?

  • Yes, in your case you had trouble with the requisitions I’m pretty sure the problem was CORS. It is the most common problem in applications with Cordova and requests. But I will already gather a list of links and edit the answer.

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