Is there any method that returns information about the smartphone?


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I want information like the version of Android and device model, the method System.getProperties() me returns the properties of the App.

1 answer


I think by joining two classes you can get a large number of properties.


VERSION.SDK_INT: API version in absolute number (10, 11, 22...).

BOARD: The name of the inner plate, for example "Goldfish".

BOOTLOADER: The system bootloader version number.

BRAND: The visible consumer mark associated with the product, if any.

CPU_ABI: "Disused" field in API 21. Instead use SUPPORTED_ABIS.

CPU_ABI2: "Disused" field in API 21. Instead use SUPPORTED_ABIS.

DEVICE: Name of industrial design.

DISPLAY: User representative string over the ID of the build.

FINGERPRINT: A String representing only the build.

HARDWARE: Hardware name (kernel or /proc command line).

HOST: Undocumented

ID: Or a number of changelist or a label like"M4-rc20".

MANUFACTURER: The manufacturer of the product/hardware.

MODEL: The product name visible to the end user.

PRODUCT: The general name of the product.

RADIO: "Disuse" field in API 14. Radio firmware version, which is often left blank or with "Unknown" value. Instead use getRadioVersion().

SERIAL: A hardware serial number if available.

SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS: An ordered 32-bit Abis list supported by the device.

SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS: An ordered 64-bit Abis list supported by the device.

SUPPORTED_ABIS: An ordered Abis list supported by the device.

TAGS: A semicolon-separated list of tags describing the build, as "unsigned, debug".

TEAM: Undocumented

TYPE: The type of build, as "user" or "Eng".

USER: Undocumented


densityDpi: The screen density, used to select (through density qualifiers) the Resources used.

fontScale: The current user preference for the source scale factor, relative to density basis.

hardKeyboardHidden: A flag indicating if the physical menu is hidden.

Keyboard: The type of keyboard connected to the device.

keyboardHidden: A flag indicating if any keyboard is available.

locale: The user locale, used to select resources, through the qualifiers.

mcc: IMSI MCC (Mobile Country Code), corresponding to the mcc resource qualifier.

mnc: IMSI MNC (Mobile Network Code), corresponding to mnc resource qualifier.

navigation: The type of navigation method used on the device.

navigationHidden: A flag indicating if any navigation 5-way or DPAD is available.

orientation: General orientation of the screen.

screenHeightDp: The screen height available, in unit dp, corresponding to height resource qualifier (hdp).

screenLayout: A bit of mask from the general screen layout.

screenWidthDp: The available screen width, in unit dp, corresponding to height resource qualifier (wdp).

smallestScreenWidthDp: The smallest screen width the application will have in a normal operation. Corresponds to the lowest screen width qualifier (swdp).

touchscreen: The type of touchscreen connected to the device.

howling: Bit of mask of ui mode.

For the case of qualifiers, a good reference would be:

There are some libraries that report errors, and they use some of these properties to send to the developer.

In the case of ACCRA, I think it’s nice to take a look at the code to have an inspiration (class CrashReportDataFactory), since he searches for other properties that are not on that list and sometimes it is interesting to know.


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