My Android app doesn’t update on the device test


Viewed 401 times


When I test the app on the emulator, it displays normally, the way I programmed it. But when I move to the phone, it displays a layout that I have changed completely, IE, it is defecated and it seems that did not update. Any idea ?

  • Make sure that . apk that is generated is being updated. I suggest you rename . apk that is saved on your machine and later do the creation process again.

  • So: My app has a Main and 5 fragments. When starting, in the emulator it goes straight to fragment 1. Already on mobile, this did not happen. You know something about this ?

  • I didn’t understand. Your question + your comment didn’t make it clear what the problem is. Edith your question and try to make it clearer. Perhaps, by adding some relevant code, it becomes clearer.

  • Try to delete from your phone and run again, if it doesn’t work closes the Eclipse and tries to run again, this has happened to me.

  • To summarize, the emulator is totally different from the device. In the emulator it runs one way and on the device another. Is it a problem or is it normal ?

  • Have you tried to navigate to the folder where your APK is and install it manually on both the emulator and your device?

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