Merge array only into empty values


Viewed 21 times


I have a function that takes as parameter an array, for example:

$args = array(
    "foo" => "value"
oneFunction( $args );

function oneFunction( $array ){
    $default = array(
        "foo" => "foo",
        "bar" => "bar"
    //mescla valores
    $array = mesclaArrays($default, $array);

    //nesse exemplo, a saída deve ser
    //  "foo" => "value",
    //  "bar" => "bar"

Is there a native function for this or is it necessary for me to create my own?

1 answer


You can do it backwards and insert it into $default what comes out with a loop.

function oneFunction( $array ){
    $default = array(
        "foo" => "foo",
        "bar" => "bar"
    //mescla valores
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) $default[$key] = $value;
    return $default

That way you add new chave -> valor and/or modifications keys existing with the new value.

  • 1

    Shit, why didn’t I think of it before. It was so much simpler that I was curling up and creating a giant function. I adapted to my needs and gave it right. Thank you very much friend

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