How to test a Singleton class in Ruby?


Viewed 86 times


I’m using require "Singleton" to make a certain class only be instantiated once. However, when running rspec tests, I get the following error:

Nomethoderror: private method `new' called for Minhaclasse.

I’m not instantiating the class with new, but rather picking up the reference to the object with MinhaClasse.instance. How to solve this problem?

  • You can show the part of the code of your tests that cause the problem (instantiating the class with new)?

1 answer


Better show with an example:

# Obs.: Não foi testado
describe MySingletonClass do
  subject { MySingletonClass.instance }
  describe '#to_s' do
    it 'works' do
      expect(subject.to_s).to be eq(subject.to_s)

If that doesn’t help, maybe it’s a good idea to share your tests

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