Set text in facebook API sharing


Viewed 445 times


I have a script to share content on Facebook is working well just wanted to add a text that the system generates automatically by clicking the share button.


I wish where it says Diz algo sobre isto… is a default text.
It is possible to do this ?

Code used

  FB.init({appId: "", status: true, cookie: true, xfbml:true });

  function postToFeed(description) {

    var obj = {
        method: "feed",
        message     : "Vê este comentário sobre '.$row_estabelecimento->titulo.' no @SabeOnde",
        link        : "'.$row_estabelecimento->link_site.'",
        picture     : "'.$row_estabelecimento_anexo->id_anexo.'.'.$row_estabelecimento_anexo->tipo.'",
        name        : "'.$row_estabelecimento->titulo.' | SabeOnde",
        description : "'.$row_posts->opiniao.'",
        display: "popup"

    function callback(response) {
      document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "Post ID: " + response["post_id"];

    FB.ui(obj, callback);

1 answer


You can’t do this using Sharer.php, but you can do something similar using API dialogue.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


APP_ID = Facebook app Identifier    
"" = This would be my domain

    $('#share_button').bind('click', function(e){
            var title = 'Title I want';
            var im_url = 'url_to_image';
            url = "" + 
                        "&link=" + encodeURIComponent("")+ 
                        "&name=" + encodeURIComponent(title) + 
                        "&caption=" + encodeURIComponent('Shared from MY_PAGE') + 
                        "&description=" + encodeURIComponent('DESCRIPTION') + 
                        "&picture=" + encodeURIComponent("" +im_url) +

See more!


  • Thank you I will make a test and then return the result

  • Didn’t help? Didn’t solve?

  • I had to see but I think my script is just like I’m gonna put up to see

  • So with this script I had to test and happens the same script I had

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