Notfound error while downloading a file while trying to download it with Laravel 8


Viewed 16 times


I’m really not understanding, the links work the files exist but it gives a Filenotfoundexception when I try to download using the Internet with vuejs

File not found at path: C:/Users/g****/Documents/GitHub/*****/storage/app/public/covers/mtiCIcZTDyu945s1c2JJuZ5xF9SvHAtTegfJJF7d.xlsx


        $file2 = Documentos::where('processo_id', '=', $id)->first()->path;
        return Storage::download(storage_path('app/public/'.$file2,'public'));


                :href="route('download', { id: doc.processo_id })"

I already checked the path and if file exists:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I don’t know what else to do Someone can give me light?

  • The archive mtiCIcZTDyu945s1c2JJuZ5xF9SvHAtTegfJJF7d.xlsx does not exist in your folder, see image.

  • it exists only q I took the wrong print F

  • Then it gets complicated, right...

  • kkk dsclp men are there

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