Base table or view not found: 1146 Table doesn’t exist Laravel 8.0.4


Viewed 19 times


I upgraded my Standard to version 8.0.4 and now my project has the following error when I try to run php Artisan serves.

erro no cmd do visual studio code

I have 4 database connections, and only one is the main one and is where the tb_permissions is, however when I try to run the application appears the error of the image above, the system tries to search this table in any of these other 3 connections with the database, that I only use them for consulting and graphic editing.

I’m suspecting that in this new version of the Laravel I need to create some model or view for the query database or that it might be some use missing.

Could someone help me? I am reading and researching for similar problems, but nothing can help me solve it.

erro no navegador

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