How to create a Trigger for an Intex in Elasticsearch to save the previous state before an update


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Hello, I’m creating a solution that will use Elasticsearch as a non-relational database. In the solution I want to control the history of a document as in the example below (this example is not using Elasticsearch yet, it is just an example of the functions of a repository):

// exemplo de collection de dados e collection de snapshots referentes a uma entity

const users = {}, users_snapshots = {}

const getUser = (_id) => users[_id]

const newUser = (user = {}, _ctor) => {
  const _id = // so pra gerar id's diferentes...
  users[_id] = { ...user, _id, _ctor, _created: new Date() }
  return users[_id]

const updateUser = (_id, _ctor, changes = {}) => {
  const old = users[_id]
  if(old) {
    users[_id] = { ...old, ...changes, _ctor, _updated: new Date() }
    if(!users_snapshots[_id]) users_snapshots[_id] = []
    users_snapshots.push({ ...old })
    return users[_id]
  throw new Error(`can't update user with _id: ${_id}. not found`)

const disableUser = (_id, _ctor) => {
  const old = users[_id]
  if(old && !old._deleted) {
    users[_id] = { ...old, _ctor, _deleted: new Date() }
    users_snapshots.push({ ...old })
    return users[_id]
  throw new Error(`can't disable user with _id: ${_id}. not found`)

const enableUser = (_id, _ctor) => {
  const old = user[_id]
  if(old && old._deleted) {
    users[_id] = { ...old, _ctor, _deleted: null }
    users_snapshots.push({ ...old })
    return users[_id]
  throw new Error(`can't enable user with _id: ${_id}. not found`)

const searchUser = (filter = () => 1, offset = 0, limit = 50) => Object
  .slice(offset, offset + limit)
  .map(item => ({ ...item })

const searchUserSnapshots = (_id, filter = () => 1, offset = 0, limit = 50) => Object
  .entries(users_snapshots[_id] || [])
  .slice(offset, offset + limit)
  .map(item => ({ ...item })

The above example would be a structure that whenever I update a document I save a snapshot of that document. The idea is that I keep a history of the data so that the user can do rollback’s or view which user made a modification (by property _ctor).

Today I can do this generation of old states of a die in relational banks using triggers like AFTER UPDATE and in mongodb using pre-hooks in Mongoose. Since I need the performance that Elasticsearch can provide me, I would also like to have the above behavior for that bench.

Could someone tell me if I can create a Rigger (as in relational databases) or if I have to manually implement as in the example above?

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