Cordova Can’t save files inside root folder


Viewed 7 times


I’m trying to save it in the briefcase Download in the root do dispositivo Android, but do not access it and the file is not created, not even if I create directory.

In the Cordova documentation you ask to use LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT , but I still can’t access the system root.Even if I type manual the location :file:///storage/emulated/0/,still cannot access and generate any file.

Current code that saves in file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.ionic/files/

    window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.externalDataDirectory , function (dir) {
    // dir.getDirectory('images', { create: true }, function (subDirEntry) {});
    dir.getFile(fileName, { create: true, exclusive: false }, function (fileEntry) {
        fileEntry.createWriter(function (writer) {
        writer.onwrite = function (evt) {
            icon: 'success',
            text: `${fileName} foi salvo na pasta ${cordova.file.externalDataDirectory}`,
            showConfirmButton: true

    }, function () {{
        icon: 'error',
        text: `Houve algum erro ao gerar o pdf , tente novamente`,
        showConfirmButton: true

And in itself config.xml preferences to access are set for various folders

<preference name="iosExtraFilesystems" value="library,library-nosync,documents,documents-nosync,cache,bundle,root" />

<preference name="AndroidExtraFilesystems" value="files,files-external,documents,sdcard,cache,cache-external,assets,root" />

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