chronometer that starts on the button is on top of each other


Viewed 20 times


So I’m beginner and wanted a tip how to do so when click the button do not stay 2 chronometer at the same time one on top of the other believe that with clearInterval solve more I got no idea where to put it

function startTimer(duration, display) {
  var timer= duration, min, sec

  setInterval(function () {
    min = parseInt(timer / 60, 10);
    sec = parseInt(timer % 60, 10);

    min= min<10 ? '0' + min :min;
    sec= sec<10 ? '0' + sec :sec;
    display.textContent = min + ':' + sec;

    if (--timer<0) {
        timer = duration;
  }, 1000);

function iniciarContagem() { 
    var fourmin = 60* 4; //conversão para segundos
    display = document.querySelector('#timer'); //elemento para exibir o timer no document html

    startTimer(fourmin, display); //inicia as functions ou chama as functions
    document.getElementById("btn").onclick = iniciarContagem;
<div id="timer"></div>
<input id="btn" type="button" 
       value="Iniciar Contagem" 

1 answer


You need to "finish" the previous timer before starting a new one using the clearInterval as already mentioned in the question.

You can associate the timer with a variable to facilitate this, and clean the previous one before starting a new one. See the example below, I added comments on the changed points of your code:

// para melhorar a leitura, coloquei todas as variáveis aqui
let timerAtual, timer, min, sec;

function funcaoTimer() {
    min = parseInt(timer / 60, 10);
    sec = parseInt(timer % 60, 10);

    min= min<10 ? '0' + min :min;
    sec= sec<10 ? '0' + sec :sec;
    display.textContent = min + ':' + sec;

    if (--timer<0) {
        timer = duration;

function startTimer(duration, display) {
  timer= duration
  // atribui o timer a variavel "timerAtual" para fazer o clear depois
  timerAtual = setInterval(funcaoTimer, 1000);

function pararContagem() {
 if (timerAtual != undefined) {
       console.log("parando contagem");

function iniciarContagem() { 
    var fourmin = 60* 4; //conversão para segundos
    display = document.querySelector('#timer'); //elemento para exibir o timer no document html
    // aqui verifica se já existe o timer e faz o clear ////////
    startTimer(fourmin, display); //inicia as functions ou chama as functions
    document.getElementById("btn").onclick = iniciarContagem;
<div id="timer"></div>
<input id="btn" type="button" 
       value="Iniciar Contagem" 
<input id="btn" type="button" 
       value="Parar Contagem" 

I put the part of the code that stops the counter in a separate function and put a button to run only that part, so it can beyond restarting the counter, just stop.

  • there was only one problem that when it reaches zero the chronometer continues with negative numbers

  • I put a condition in the Trim function after saying the display content.textContent = min + ':' + sec; if (min <= 00 && sec<=00) {//condition to stop the display clearInterval(timerAtual); } ready was great worth the force

  • "there was only one problem that when it reaches zero...." but this is already another question :) the problem of not restarting the chronometer is solved in the answer, if it was useful do not forget to vote

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