How to clear html form fields?


Viewed 57,975 times


javascript variables that reference each field of my form

var checkbox = $('input:checkbox[name^=check]:checked');
    var categoriaVeiculo = $("#codCategoriaVeiculo").val();
    var descricaoVeiculo = $("#descricaoVeiculo").val();
    var placaVeiculo = $("#placaVeiculo").val();
    var chassiVeiculo = $("#chassiVeiculo").val();
    var anoFabricacaoVeiculo = $("#anoFabricacaoVeiculo").val();
    var ativo = $("input:radio[name='ativo']");
    var value = ativo.filter(":checked").val();
    var codPessoa = $("#codigoPessoa").val();
  • You can do form.reset(); Is that what you’re looking for? If you can’t explain the question better?

  • The question is far from clear so that it can be answered properly.

4 answers


You can wear it so I think that’s what you want if it’s not say

document.getElementById('campo').value=''; // Limpa o campo


In Jquery there is no reset method, but you can call the javascript native:



You would need to use Javascript if you needed to reset a variable or clear a specific field, as proposed in reply from César Souza. If you need to clear all fields, use a input type='reset'.

input {
  margin: 2px;
  padding: 6px;
  width: 250px

  border: 1px solid #333;

  border: none;
  background: #3498db;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 6px;
  width: 265px
<form action='#'>
  <input type='text' placeholder='Nome de usuário'/>
  <input type='email' placeholder='Email'/>
  <input type='password' placeholder='Senha'/>
  <input type='reset' value='Limpar todos os campos'/>

Make it clear to the user that by clicking that button all fields will be reset. Or, do a check before performing the action, as in the following example:

document.getElementById('confirm').onreset = function(){
  return confirm("Gostaria de resetar todos os campos?");  
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  padding: 6px;
  width: 200px

  background: #9b59b6;
  border: none;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 6px 18px
<form id='confirm'>
  <input type='text'/>
  <input type='reset' value='Limpar'/>

In both examples the CSS has no relevance and was used only to make the view more 'presentable'.


In your code you said that the variables refer to the fields, but in fact they refer only to the values, the most correct would be to use something like var [SUA VARIAVEL] = $("[SEU SELETOR]");, example:

var checkbox = $('input:checkbox[name^=check]:checked');
var categoriaVeiculo = $("#codCategoriaVeiculo");
var descricaoVeiculo = $("#descricaoVeiculo");
var placaVeiculo = $("#placaVeiculo");
var chassiVeiculo = $("#chassiVeiculo");
var anoFabricacaoVeiculo = $("#anoFabricacaoVeiculo");
var ativo = $("input:radio[name='ativo']");
var value = ativo.filter(":checked");
var codPessoa = $("#codigoPessoa");

To take the value of the variable codPessoa, call it that:




To clear the field you can use, something like .val(""), example:


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