Query mysql UPDATE is doing the INSERT function


Viewed 23 times


I created a function to modify the data of a DB regarding a particular product:

    public function editarProjeto(int $id, int $categoriaID, string $titulo, string $ano, string $descricao, string $arquivo){

        $editarProjeto = $this->mysql->prepare("UPDATE tbprojetos SET id_categoria = ?,titulo = ?, ano = ?,, descricao = ?, imagem_main = ? WHERE id = ?");

        $editarProjeto->bind_param('issssi', $categoriaID, $titulo, $ano, $descricao, $arquivo, $id);

And that is called as follows:

        $projetos = new Projeto($mysql);
        $updateProjeto = $projetos->editarProjeto($_POST['id'], $_POST['id_categoria'], $_POST['titulo'], $_POST['ano'], $_POST['descricao'], $_FILE['imagem_main']['name']);

However, when I submit the data in the form, what it actually does is add a new field to the database with a new ID. What may be happening to not be changing product data of same id?

  • 2

    That’s pretty weird, you can draw up a [mcve]?

  • I made an edit. I took an unnecessary part that uploaded files. Basically it is a product class with a method that updates the product data. The call receives input values from the edit page as parameters.

  • Are you sure it’s the editarProjetothat is being executed? If so, how did it prove this?

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