I have a. txt file with strings like this:
The first part of my problem was popular jComboBox
only with the first value (name), I managed to do some good, but now I need a jTextField
changes to the third value as I change the selection on jComboBox
Below is how I populated the combobox, but I have no idea how to make the textfield to be filled as I alternate the selection of the combobox.
DefaultComboBoxModel<String> ComboClientes;
public void popularCombo() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
ComboClientes = new DefaultComboBoxModel<>();
String clientes = "";
FileReader fr;
fr = new FileReader("clientes.txt");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
while ((clientes = br.readLine())!=null){
String quebra [] = clientes.split(";");
String nome = quebra[0];
I’m not seeing the
to be completed.– Augusto Vasques
It’s all done in a jFrame, I haven’t edited anything from the jTextField code yet because I don’t know what to do to set the text as the combobox is selected.
– Luís Noronha