Remove row from a dynamic table with Javascript


Viewed 46 times


I’m creating a very simple dynamic table. Working to include the data, but I don’t know how to remove only the line I clicked on on the button delete. I made a function deletar() but she searches for ID of the entire table and ends up deleting the table altogether.

function deletar() {

            var linha = document.getElementById('campo');

I have no idea how I could do to delete just the clicked line?

Follow the full code:

var teste = 0;

function salvarDados(){
  var nome       = document.getElementById("nome").value;
  var valor      = document.getElementById("valor").value;
  var vencimento = document.getElementById("vencimento").value;

  if (!(nome == '' || valor == '' || vencimento == '')) {
    var tr = document.createElement("tr");
    var td1 = document.createElement("td");
    var td2 = document.createElement("td"); 
    var td3 = document.createElement("td");
    var btn = document.createElement("button");                 
    td1.innerHTML = nome; 
    td2.innerHTML = valor;
    td3.innerHTML = vencimento;
    btn.innerHTML = "deletar";

    btn.onclick = deletar;

    tr.appendChild(btn);          = 'linha' + teste;

  }else {
    alert('Todos os campos precisam estar preenchidos !!');
function limparCampos(){
      var nome       = document.getElementById("nome");
  var valor      = document.getElementById("valor");
  var vencimento = document.getElementById("vencimento");
          nome.value       = '';
  valor.value      = '';
  vencimento.value = '';


function deletar(teste2) {

  var linha = document.getElementById('campo');
   Nome: <input type="text" id="nome"> 
   Valor: <input type="number" step="any" id="valor"> 
   Vencimento: <input type="date" id="vencimento"> 
   <button id="botao-salvar" onclick="salvarDados()">Salvar</button>
   <table border="1" id="campo">
      <legend>Contas a Pagar</legend>

I added a way to assign ID to each line that is added. com = 'linha' + teste;

But I still can’t find the selected ID and just delete that line.

1 answer


In order to be able to remove a specific line it is necessary to pass to the function that will delete some reference. As the function is triggered, you can pass the button reference using this.

So, from the button, it is possible to know which is the line and we can delete it using for example the index with deleteRow, see example below. I kept your code the way it is, and commented on the changes that are:

  • btn.setAttribute('onclick', 'deletar(this)'); I made the association of the event so I could pass the this for the function deletar:
  • tabela.deleteRow(botao.parentNode.rowIndex) I did the row name for table, and used the method deleteRow, that receives the line index. This is easily obtainable because of the button that was passed as reference.

var teste = 0;

function salvarDados(){
  var nome       = document.getElementById("nome").value;
  var valor      = document.getElementById("valor").value;
  var vencimento = document.getElementById("vencimento").value;

  if (!(nome == '' || valor == '' || vencimento == '')) {
    var tr = document.createElement("tr");
    var td1 = document.createElement("td");
    var td2 = document.createElement("td"); 
    var td3 = document.createElement("td");
    var btn = document.createElement("button");                 
    td1.innerHTML = nome; 
    td2.innerHTML = valor;
    td3.innerHTML = vencimento;
    btn.innerHTML = "deletar";

    // aqui e passado "this" para a função, e this é o botao
    btn.setAttribute('onclick', 'deletar(this)');

    tr.appendChild(btn);          = 'linha' + teste;

  }else {
    alert('Todos os campos precisam estar preenchidos !!');
function limparCampos(){
  var nome       = document.getElementById("nome");
  var valor      = document.getElementById("valor");
  var vencimento = document.getElementById("vencimento");
  nome.value       = '';
  valor.value      = '';
  vencimento.value = '';


function deletar(botao) {
  var tabela = document.getElementById('campo');
  // a partir do botao, pega a linha com parentNode, e o indice da linha com rowIndex
   Nome: <input type="text" id="nome"> 
   Valor: <input type="number" step="any" id="valor"> 
   Vencimento: <input type="date" id="vencimento"> 
   <button id="botao-salvar" onclick="salvarDados()">Salvar</button>
   <table border="1" id="campo">
      <legend>Contas a Pagar</legend>

  • Thanks friend, helped a lot !! Solved my doubts and my problem.

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