What do I need to program in C#?


Viewed 2,443 times


I use Delphi and I need something similar to program a code like that. What I have to get to start pro lawn in C#?

  • Visual Studio 2013 Community.

  • 1

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2 answers


As you may have already noticed this language is the C# (in English). It depends on a platform called .NET (in English) There’s a good chance it’s already installed on your computer. That is, to program in C# you don’t need anything more than you already have , although I recommend to pick up more modern and sophisticated things.

You’ll probably want an IDE that helps you program. The official C# IDE created by Microsoft is Visual Studio (in English) and there is a totally free version called Community Edition. You can download, install and use without worries.

Of course this is the easy part. Learning to use the language, the whole platform, understanding what you’re doing is a little more complicated than this.

  • thanks man... but there is some way to convert this code to Delphi or I have to install this program right there ?

  • Not exactly this code, but you can do something very similar. This code is relatively basic, if you know Delphi can not write something so basic, I think the code will not be very useful.

  • 1

    guy I know the basics... but it’s kind of different the uses you know of Iphi bro there’s some way you convert for me ?

  • 1

    @Matrix I suggest you post a separate question here on the site, asking how to create a list of random numbers in Delphi (that’s what you want?)


To lower the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (no piracy, straight from the Microsoft website)

To study the language have these links

All are great, enjoy it!!

  1. PAID | Devmedia

    Basic of C#

    Design Standards with C#

    C# Advanced

    News from C# 6.0

    More courses in the . NET area (C#, ASP.NET and a lot plus)

  2. FREE | Microsoft

    Programming Guide in C#

  3. FREE | Caelum

    Complete workbook C#

  4. FREE | eXcript

    Course of C#

  5. PAID | Trains Web

    C# Basic

  6. As far as I know is free | Bradesco Foundation

    Programming in C#

I’ve been studying with Devmedia for a long time and I’ve never been disappointed. Always access Microsoft documents for help with some problem I can’t solve. I always consult something at Caelum. Good luck with your studies! :)

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