How can I reference filtered results from a list in VBA?


Viewed 48 times


I am currently working on a code where I have to filter a certain list and go through the filtered data with a FOR and also perform some comparisons with IF. Follows the code

Sub compararValores()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Dim nKm                 As Variant
Dim locBase             As Variant
Dim nmetros             As Variant
Dim ext                 As Variant
Dim exthist             As Variant
Dim sentido             As String
Dim sentidoHistorico    As String
Dim locInicial          As Variant
Dim dateBase            As Date
Dim dateHist            As Date
Dim dateHistProx        As Date
Dim hrHist              As Variant
Dim hrHistProx          As Variant
Dim comp                As Variant
Dim compProx            As Variant
Dim larg                As Variant
Dim largProx            As Variant
Dim esp                 As Variant
Dim espProx             As Variant
Dim faixa               As Variant
Dim faixaProx           As Variant

ext = Base.Range("n2").End(xlDown).Row

For i = 2 To ext
    nKm = Base.Range("n" & i).Value
    nmetros = Base.Range("o" & i).Value
    locBase = nKm & "." & nmetros
    sentido = Base.Range("p" & i).Value
    dateBase = Base.Range("d" & i).Value
    dateBaseProx = Base.Range("d" & i + 1).Value

    If (sentido = "N" Or sentido = "n") Then
        sentido = "NORTE"
        Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("$A$1:$AL$30182").AutoFilter Field:=17, Criteria1:= _
    "<" & locBase + 5, Operator:=xlAnd
        Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("$A$1:$AL$30182").AutoFilter Field:=18, Criteria1:= _
    ">" & locBase - 5, Operator:=xlAnd
        sentido = "SUL"
        Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("$A$1:$AL$30182").AutoFilter Field:=17, Criteria1:= _
    ">" & locBase - 5, Operator:=xlAnd
        Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("$A$1:$AL$30182").AutoFilter Field:=18, Criteria1:= _
    "<" & locBase + 5, Operator:=xlAnd
    End If
    Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("$A$1:$AL$30182").AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:=sentido

    exthist = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").AutoFilter.Range.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1

    For j = 2 To exthist
        With Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").AutoFilter.Range
            teste = Range("r" & .Offset(i, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)(1).Row).Value2
            locInicial = CStr(Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("q" & .Offset(j, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)(1).Row).Value2)
            locFinal = CStr(Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("r" & .Offset(j, 0).pecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)(1).Row).Value2)
            Debug.Print (locInicial)
            Debug.Print (locFinal)
        End With

        sentidoHistorico = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("m" & j).Value
        locInicial = CStr(Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("q" & j).Value)
        locFinal = CStr(Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("r" & j).Value)
        dateHist = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("b" & j).Value
        dateHistProx = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("b" & j + 1).Value
        comp = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("f" & j).Value
        compProx = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("f" & j + 1).Value
        larg = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("g" & j).Value
        largProx = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("g" & j + 1).Value
        esp = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("h" & j).Value
        espProx = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("h" & j + 1).Value
        faixa = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("n" & j).Value
        faixaProx = Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("n" & j + 1).Value
            If (locBase >= locInicial And locBase <= locFinal) Then
                If (sentido = sentidoHistorico) Then
                    If (dateBase <= dateHist) Then
                        If (dateHist <= dateHistProx) Then
                            If (comp = compProx And larg = largProx And esp = espProx And faixa = faixaProx) Then
                                'i = 3
                                Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("c" & j).Copy
                                Base.Range("ar" & i).PasteSpecial
                                Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("c" & j + 1).Copy
                                Base.Range("au" & i).Offset(0, i).PasteSpecial
                                If (faixa <> faixaProx) Then
                                    Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("n" & j).Copy
                                    Base.Range("at" & i).PasteSpecial
                                    Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("c" & j).Copy
                                    Base.Range("au" & i).PasteSpecial
                                End If
                                Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("c" & j).Copy
                                Base.Range("ar" & i).PasteSpecial
                                Workbooks("Histórico 2013-2021.xlsx").Worksheets("Memória Intervenções").Range("n" & j).Copy
                                Base.Range("as" & i).PasteSpecial
                                GoTo prox
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If

    Next j

Prox: Next i

Workbooks("History 2013-2021.xlsx"). Worksheets("Memory Interventions"). Showalldata Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.Screenupdating = True End Sub

My question is that my variables locInicial and locFinal do not update values by going to the next J, it is always permanent with the first value of the filtered list. The expected result for the two variables would be the next values of the list.

  • Rephrase the doubt, put an example of what the data looks like, the expected result, and what you’ve already programmed, makes it easier to understand and help. Behold: How to create a Minimum, Complete and Verifiable example and How to ask a good question?.

  • Updated the question

  • Still confused, not knowing the initial structure and expected result. But, from what you said is having trouble loading the value in the variables, try to simplify their reference, I believe there are commands there that you should not need. Example: from: ". Range("q" & .Offset(j, 0).Specialcells(xlCellTypeVisible)(1).Row). Value2)" to: ". Range("Q" & j)".

  • Thank you for the answer. I updated the question again.

  • Making this suggested change, vba would not understand that I am referring to the filtered values and yes to the next values of the list

  • I get it. Without knowing the initial data structure, it’s hard to replicate. You may have a problem running a "run" For, without considering the filtered Range only, offset may be impairing cell addressing. An alternative would be to do For in all cells, checking if the line is visible (with an if) and then executing the code you need on that line/address. Example code: For x = 2 To 10 If Range("A" & x).EntireRow.Hidden = False Then Debug.Print Range("A" & x). Value End If Next x

  • This is a good way out and I thank you for addressing it. I managed to solve through other similar methods, however, I would like to know why my syntax (shown above in the question) is not working, so in the future not to make the same mistake.

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