Global filters in Entity Framework


Viewed 50 times


I would like all of mine DbSet filter all calls

I mean, I’d like all the DbSet make the following filter:

Where(x => == true)

No need for all the time I have to do dbo.Models.Where(x => x

How could I create something like this without using respository pattern ?

  • could give an example?

  • @Tobymosque Editei

  • I am unable to formulate an answer now, but you can check out the following article:

  • @Tobymosque I got to look at this link...but I thought there would be easier way, besides overwriting everything

1 answer


You can create an extension method, for example:

public static class EntityFrameworkExtensions 
    public static IEnumerable<T> Ativos<T>(this IDbSet<T> dados) 
        return dados.Where(x => == true).ToList();


meuDbSet.Ativos().Where( ... ).ToList();

Another alternative is to define a property in its uncharted context and make the access only by it:

public partial class MeuContexto: DbContext
    public MeuContexto()
        : base("name=ConnectionString")

    public DbSet<Modelo> ModelosSet { get; set; }

    public IQueryable<Modelo> Modelos
            return ModelosSet.Where(a =>;


There is also the Nuget package option:

  • So if I have 1000 models, I have to do 1000 methods ? LOL

  • @Rod See the @Tobymosque link. It has a very cool generic implementation there. It can improve the extension method, by the way, but would use Expressions and it’s really hard to write.

  • a pity the EF doesn’t have it native =( , I saw a lib in nuget called Entityframework.Filters

  • I used Entityframework.Filters, actually I used the 2 you mentioned, I preferred Filters because it seemed more "mature" and the guy who keeps more active in the community

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