Hi, I’m developing an app in React Native and I have this convert function that gets 3 props(code, codein and name) they all get a String and I want to put the prop code in place of USD, so it changes along with the prop but when I put for example: const cotacao = response.data.code.ask;
he gives the error:
[Unhandled Promise rejection: Typeerror: Undefined is not an Object (evaluating 'Response.data.code.Ask')]
This is the code, is small because I removed the codes that are not part of the question...
export function Converter({code, codein, name}) {
const [moedaA, setMoedaA] = useState(code);
const [moedaB, setMoedaB] = useState(codein);
async function converter() {
const response = await api.get(`json/all/${code}-${codein}`);
const cotacao = response.data.USD.ask; // mudar aqui
setVariant(response.data.USD.pctChange); // mudar aqui
if (response.data.USD.pctChange > 0) { // mudar aqui
} else if (response.data.USD.pctChange < 0) { // mudar aqui
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
// retorna algo