I developed a GUI program using Pyqt5 for users to feed a "Mysql" database (which is installed on a server on the same network as other computers).
However this program needs to get information from another database server, which is Oracle, so I installed the "cx_oracle" by Pip and downloaded "instantclient_19_11" leaving in the directory C: from my micro and also put in windows environment variables.
I entered at the beginning of the code "intantclient".
import cx_Oracle
After this done I managed to connect with the oracle database perfectly!!
Finishing the development I created an executable file with cx_freeze
To do this I created the file below to
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
files = ['icone.ico']
target = Executable(
script = 'main.py',
base = 'Win32GUI',
icon = 'icone.ico'
name = 'Digitação de Dados',
version = '1.0',
description = 'Programa teste',
author = 'Rafael',
options = {"build_exe" : {'include_files' : files}},
executables = [target]
However when trying to open the executable on another computer (from the same network) appeared the error below, as if the version of the oracle client is not supported:
Even putting the instantclient_19_11 in the directory C: on the PC I’m doing the test does not work!
I have Python 3.9 installed, and used a virtualenv
I tried using pyinstaller to package the files but it didn’t work...
Could someone help me? You need to insert the instantclient into the setup.py (cx_freeze) to make it work?