Create Editable Table


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I would like to create a table where your cells can be edited but meet certain requirements. What I have is this:


<table class="table table-striped table-bordered" id="vendaTabela" width="100%">
        <th data-class="expand">Cód.</th>
        <th data-hide="phone">Designação</th>
        <th data-hide="phone">Qnt.</th>
        <th data-hide="phone,tablet">Uni.</th>


$(function () {
        $("td").dblclick(function () {
            var conteudoOriginal = $(this).text();
            $(this).html("<input type='text' value='" + conteudoOriginal + "' />");
            $(this).children().first().keypress(function (e) {
                if (e.which == 13) {
                    var novoConteudo = $(this).val();
            $(this).children().first().blur(function () {


I also have a button to add new lines:

    $("#btnAdd").click(function () {

As for the requirements it will be better to go in stages:

1º- I would like to find a way for the cells to be identified. I know I can put id’s in HTML tds but when I add a new line, how do they get identified?

2º- How can I place function by columns? That is, I want the column 'Sub-Total' to be the multiplication of the column 'Qnt.' with the column 'Price'. I can do the function for the first line already created in HTML, but how to do for when I add another line ?

3º- How can I put an autocomplete in the column you want, for example in the column of 'Designation' ?

  • can you add a plugin to the project? in this case I advise using jsView to help.

  • Can I, but I don’t know this plugin, I have to search about its use.

  • then put an example on it, it will help at the time to add a new line already with some data.

  • The lines I add will always start empty. Thank you :)

  • posted an alternative way to make this table using jsViews, you can take a look if you have interrese.

2 answers


As I said above, you can do this using jsViews, as in the example below:

For this you will need an Entity that will serve as a model, in the following case:

    Codigo: "",
    Designacao: "",
    Quantidade: "",
    Unidade: "",
    Preco: "",
    Desconto: "",
    IVA: "",
    SubTotal: ""

You will have the templates for each Row state (Details, Insert and Create):

<script id="tmplDetails" type="text/x-jsrender">
    <tr data-type="details">
        <td><input name="btEditar" type="button" value="Editar" /></td>

<script id="tmplEdit" type="text/x-jsrender">
    <tr data-type="edit">
        <td><input name="btSalvar" type="button" value="Salvar" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtCodigo" type="text" value="{{:Codigo}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtDesignacao" type="text" value="{{:Designacao}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtQuantidade" type="text" value="{{:Quantidade}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtUnidade" type="text" value="{{:Unidade}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtPreco" type="text" value="{{:Preco}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtDesconto" type="text" value="{{:Desconto}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtIVA" type="text" value="{{:IVA}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtSubTotal" type="text" value="{{:SubTotal}}" /></td>

<script id="tmplCreate" type="text/x-jsrender">
    <tr data-type="create">
        <td><input name="btSalvar" type="button" value="Salvar" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtCodigo" type="text" value="{{:Codigo}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtDesignacao" type="text" value="{{:Designacao}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtQuantidade" type="text" value="{{:Quantidade}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtUnidade" type="text" value="{{:Unidade}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtPreco" type="text" value="{{:Preco}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtDesconto" type="text" value="{{:Desconto}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtIVA" type="text" value="{{:IVA}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtSubTotal" type="text" value="{{:SubTotal}}" /></td>

Remembering that you can use arithmetic operations in the template, then {{:Quantidade * Preco}} is validated and can be used in Subtotal.

Note that I used the Template properties in templates, so we know how to fill the template.

finally we will have the HTML of the table itself:

<table id="vendaTabela">
            <th data-class="expand">Cód.</th>
            <th data-hide="phone">Designação</th>
            <th data-hide="phone">Qnt.</th>
            <th data-hide="phone,tablet">Uni.</th>
            <td><input name="btCreate" type="button" value="Criar" /></td>
            <td colspan="8"></td>

The Script below is mounting the table using a Source, which in this case may be an AJAX request, but I am using a list with 10 Entities.

var documento = $(document);
var vendaTabela = $("#vendaTabela");
var tabelaBody = $("tbody", vendaTabela);

var tmplDetails = $.templates("#tmplDetails");
var tmplEdit = $.templates("#tmplEdit");
var tmplCreate = $.templates("#tmplCreate");

var entidades = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
        Codigo: "Codigo" + i,
        Designacao: "Designacao" + i,
        Quantidade: "Quantidade" + i,
        Unidade: "Unidade" + i,
        Preco: "Preco" + i,
        Desconto: "Desconto" + i,
        IVA: "IVA" + i,
        SubTotal: "SubTotal" + i

$.each(entidades, function (indice, entidade) {
    var novaLinha = $(tmplDetails.render(entidade));"Entidade", entidade);


documento.on("click", "#vendaTabela input[name='btCreate']", function () {
    var novaEntidade = {};
    var novaLinha = $(tmplCreate.render(novaEntidade));"Entidade", novaEntidade);


documento.on("click", "#vendaTabela input[name='btEditar']", function () {
    var linha = $(this).closest("[data-type]");
    var entidade ="Entidade");
    var novaLinha = $(tmplCreate.render(entidade));"Entidade", entidade);


documento.on("click", "#vendaTabela input[name='btSalvar']", function () {
    var linha = $(this).closest("[data-type]");
    var txtCodigo = $("[name='txtCodigo']", linha);
    var txtDesignacao = $("[name='txtDesignacao']", linha);
    var txtQuantidade = $("[name='txtQuantidade']", linha);
    var txtUnidade = $("[name='txtUnidade']", linha);
    var txtPreco = $("[name='txtPreco']", linha);
    var txtDesconto = $("[name='txtDesconto']", linha);
    var txtIVA = $("[name='txtIVA']", linha);
    var txtSubTotal = $("[name='txtSubTotal']", linha);

    var entidade ="Entidade");
    entidade.Codigo = txtCodigo.val();
    entidade.Designacao = txtDesignacao.val();
    entidade.Quantidade = txtQuantidade.val();
    entidade.Unidade = txtUnidade.val();
    entidade.Preco = txtPreco.val();
    entidade.Desconto = txtDesconto.val();
    entidade.IVA = txtIVA.val();
    entidade.SubTotal = txtSubTotal.val();    

    var novaLinha = $(tmplDetails.render(entidade));"Entidade", entidade);



note that I made the bind of the events using the on right in the document, I have done this so that these events are available for elements created through the template.

pro fim the code in full:

var documento = $(document);
var vendaTabela = $("#vendaTabela");
var tabelaBody = $("tbody", vendaTabela);

var tmplDetails = $.templates("#tmplDetails");
var tmplEdit = $.templates("#tmplEdit");
var tmplCreate = $.templates("#tmplCreate");

var entidades = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
        Codigo: "Codigo" + i,
        Designacao: "Designacao" + i,
        Quantidade: "Quantidade" + i,
        Unidade: "Unidade" + i,
        Preco: "Preco" + i,
        Desconto: "Desconto" + i,
        IVA: "IVA" + i,
        SubTotal: "SubTotal" + i

$.each(entidades, function (indice, entidade) {
    var novaLinha = $(tmplDetails.render(entidade));"Entidade", entidade);

documento.on("click", "#vendaTabela input[name='btCreate']", function () {
    var novaEntidade = {};
    var novaLinha = $(tmplCreate.render(novaEntidade));"Entidade", novaEntidade);

documento.on("click", "#vendaTabela input[name='btEditar']", function () {
    var linha = $(this).closest("[data-type]");
    var entidade ="Entidade");
    var novaLinha = $(tmplEdit.render(entidade));"Entidade", entidade);

documento.on("click", "#vendaTabela input[name='btSalvar']", function () {
    var linha = $(this).closest("[data-type]");
    var txtCodigo = $("[name='txtCodigo']", linha);
    var txtDesignacao = $("[name='txtDesignacao']", linha);
    var txtQuantidade = $("[name='txtQuantidade']", linha);
    var txtUnidade = $("[name='txtUnidade']", linha);
    var txtPreco = $("[name='txtPreco']", linha);
    var txtDesconto = $("[name='txtDesconto']", linha);
    var txtIVA = $("[name='txtIVA']", linha);
    var txtSubTotal = $("[name='txtSubTotal']", linha);
    var entidade ="Entidade");
    entidade.Codigo = txtCodigo.val();
    entidade.Designacao = txtDesignacao.val();
    entidade.Quantidade = txtQuantidade.val();
    entidade.Unidade = txtUnidade.val();
    entidade.Preco = txtPreco.val();
    entidade.Desconto = txtDesconto.val();
    entidade.IVA = txtIVA.val();
    entidade.SubTotal = txtSubTotal.val();    
    var novaLinha = $(tmplDetails.render(entidade));"Entidade", entidade);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<table id="vendaTabela">
            <th data-class="expand">Cód.</th>
            <th data-hide="phone">Designação</th>
            <th data-hide="phone">Qnt.</th>
            <th data-hide="phone,tablet">Uni.</th>
            <td><input name="btCreate" type="button" value="Criar" /></td>
            <td colspan="8"></td>

<script id="tmplDetails" type="text/x-jsrender">
    <tr data-type="details">
        <td><input name="btEditar" type="button" value="Editar" /></td>

<script id="tmplEdit" type="text/x-jsrender">
    <tr data-type="edit">
        <td><input name="btSalvar" type="button" value="Salvar" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtCodigo" type="text" value="{{:Codigo}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtDesignacao" type="text" value="{{:Designacao}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtQuantidade" type="text" value="{{:Quantidade}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtUnidade" type="text" value="{{:Unidade}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtPreco" type="text" value="{{:Preco}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtDesconto" type="text" value="{{:Desconto}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtIVA" type="text" value="{{:IVA}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtSubTotal" type="text" value="{{:SubTotal}}" /></td>

<script id="tmplCreate" type="text/x-jsrender">
    <tr data-type="create">
        <td><input name="btSalvar" type="button" value="Salvar" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtCodigo" type="text" value="{{:Codigo}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtDesignacao" type="text" value="{{:Designacao}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtQuantidade" type="text" value="{{:Quantidade}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtUnidade" type="text" value="{{:Unidade}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtPreco" type="text" value="{{:Preco}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtDesconto" type="text" value="{{:Desconto}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtIVA" type="text" value="{{:IVA}}" /></td>
        <td><input name="txtSubTotal" type="text" value="{{:SubTotal}}" /></td>

  • I thank you in advance for your cooperation and help. I tested and it is quite complete, but for what I am doing, and for the required level is a bit complex :D Anyway Thank you and deserve my vote

  • I believe that once you understand jsRender, the script itself is easy to understand, until pq the only thing it does is replace one template with another.


1. You can resolve using classes in columns and id’s in rows to identify them. For example:

<tr id="linha1">
    <td class="numero">123</td>
    <td class="nome">Teste</td>
<tr id="linha2">
    <td class="numero">123</td>
    <td class="nome">Teste</td>

var $numero = $("#linha1 .numero"); // coluna número na linha 1

2. Following the previous example, you could do something like this:

var subTotal = 0;
var $linhas = $("#minhaTabela tbody > tr");
// aconselho a usar o tbody na seleção para evitar selecionar o header e o footer

// percorre todas as linhas
$linhas.each(function() {
    // o this refere-se a linha
    var qtd = $(".quantidade", this).html();
    var vlr = $(".valor", this).html();

    // tenta converter para float e retorna 0 caso esteja em branco
    qtd = parseFloat(qtd) || 0;
    vlr = parseFloat(vlr) || 0;

    subTotal += qtd * vlr;


To update the subtotal when adding a line is simple: put the above code in a function and call again whenever necessary.

3. I don’t understand your difficulty here, don’t you know how to add an autocomplete? Because you already use jQuery, you can use jQueryUI. See sample page.

  • I appreciate your help. Looking at point 1 of your answer, my question is this: I only have one 'tr' in my html where I define the id I want. If you pay attention to my add line function, what do I put on this tr to trouble id when adding the new line?

  • If possible use a counter. Otherwise, a very dynamic solution is to use the number of current lines, for example: var id = 'linha' + $("#minhaTabela tbody > tr").length;.

  • Thanks for your help. I don’t understand this part: var $numero = $("#line1 .numero"); // column number on line 1 ?

  • It will return a jQuery object. Try, for example, to run console.log($numero.html()). You are using this jQuery object in your code, even without realizing it.

  • returns me Undefined :s I have this: <thead><tr id="tr0"> <th>Cód.</th></thead> <tbody> <td class="codigo"></td></tbody> ... var $codigo = $("#tr0 . code");

  • You’re confusing the css selectors a little bit. The selector #tr0 .codigo will search for the element with class .codigo within of an element with id #tr0. Test again with an html like this: <table><tr id='tr0'><td class='codigo'>123</td></tr></table>.

  • That way it works :D But I can’t have Header in my table? That’s <th></th> ?

  • Yes, but look again at the html code you tried before: <thead><tr id="tr0"> <th>Cód.</th></thead> <tbody> <td class="codigo"></td></tbody>. The column .codigo is not inside the line #tr0.

  • I put it the way I wanted but I have a problem now. I with the code want to get the designation. To do so, I’m using var id = $(".code",this). html(); inside each of the lines. If I do the console log, it prints everything. In the case of the subtotal, it is working right because it takes the right value, but to get the designation in which I have to pass the id, I have the getDesignacaobyId(id) method inside each of the lines and as it goes through all the lines it always picks up the first designation. You know how I can give ?

  • Follow the same example of how to get the value. Add a class to the desired column and to get just run $(".designacao", this).html() inside the loop.

  • I followed exactly the same way, but the problem lies here: I have two each’s: $lines.each(Function(){...and then to go get the designation by ajax I have ... if (date.length > 0) { $.each(date, Function (key, value) {... just inside this last each, this ($(". designation", this). html()) does not work.

  • I believe it’s best you create a new question for this problem.

  • OK so I’ll do it then

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