Hi, can you help me? I need to export an "extract" in React, This extract is generated dynamically. I did a web search and found the lib React-PDF.
Until then ok. I managed my document and everything. but when I try to make a jsx equal to below, already problem and does not load my pdf.
lista.map(item => <div>{item}</div>
Someone would know if there’s a compatibility problem with those expressions. could someone give me a hint of how I do to display dynamic content in my pdf?
To download the PDF I am using so:
<PDFDownloadLink document={<MyDocument listaItens={dataToExport} exibirDia={exibirDia} retornarSaldoDia={retornarSaldoDia} saldoDisponivel={saldoDisponivel} />} fileName="Other.pdf">
{({ blob, url, loading, error }) => (loading ? 'Loading document...' : 'Download now!')}