The parameter of my function, when 1, assumes Boolean value and when False assumes Number value. How do I fix this? Javascript doubt


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I’m right at the beginning of my studies with JS, so I got a little lost in this exercise.

I need to type check the single parameter of the 'check' function. When it is True, it returns False and vice versa, for booleans. When it is a Number returns its negation (e.g. 10, resume -10).

But when this parameter is false, it takes the value of a Number, in the case of 0 (and returns -0), when it is 1, it takes the value of a Boolean, in the case of True (and returns False).

I don’t understand why when the parameters are 0 or True, the function runs as expected.

function verifi(par){
    if (par == (true || false)){
        return !par
    } else if((par >= 0) || (par <= 0)){
        return par * (-1)
    } else{
        return "Não encontrado! O parâmetro é do tipo " + typeof par

console.log(verifi(0)) //retorna -0, assim como esperado
console.log(verifi(1)) // deveria retornar -1, porém retorna false
console.log(verifi(false)) // deveria retornar true, porém retorna -0
console.log(verifi(true)) //retorna false, assim como esperado
  • 3

    Your first if seems to be the problem (true || false)

1 answer


When you do

if (par == (true || false))

you’re actually doing

if (par == true)

When making a comparison using == (equality comparison), some "unwanted" conversions are performed. For example, the following examples print true:

console.log(1 == true);
console.log([1] == true);
console.log("1" == true);

What you probably wanted to have done was used the comparison by identity (===) and use two separate comparisons:

if (par === true || par === false)


if (typeof par === "boolean")
  • 1

    Understood, I really made a mistake in these parts! Thank you very much for the help, it worked perfectly now.

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