Problem with controller in Scene Builder in case it does not recognize error


Viewed 11 times


Hello folks apparently I am trying problem for Scene Builder to see my package controller, file: and already looked the way and at first it does not seem to be the root cause of the problem.OBS: my operating system is Kali in case it helps and I am in IDE VS CODE and yes I tried in eclipse but then it got worse even to install. Follow the code below:

login fxml

loginverification: package Greentech.login.controller;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;

import javafx.event.Actionevent; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.Textfield;

public class Loginverification {

private TextField user;

private TextField password;

private Label errorLabel;

private Button submit;

String userValue;
String passValue;

//teste de login com usuario ficticio
String users[] = {"adm", "comun", "teste", "adm2"};
String passwords[] = {"123", "456", "!@#", "abc"};

// Pega o valor dos campos preenchidos na tela de login e 
// usa a funcao verifica para ver se correspondem e segue para a proxima tela
// se não aprecera uma tela de erro
void submit(ActionEvent event) {
    userValue = user.getText();
    passValue = user.getText();

    verifica(userValue, passValue);

public void verifica(String usuario, String senha){

    for(int i = 0; i < users.length; i++){
        if(userValue == users[i] && passValue == passwords[i]){
        } else{
            errorLabel.setText("Usuario e/ou senha errado");


  • Welcome! Is there a log error? Or is it a build error? Can you talk more about it?

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